In the written explanations published by the HUDA PAR Headquarters, important determinations and evaluations were made about internal and external agenda.

In the statement which pointed out about the decision taken by the EP to freeze the negotiations, the latest developments in the economy and the unchecked increase in the dollar, the brutal attacks and massacres targeting the Muslims in Arakan, and the unconcerned attitude and silence of the world against the atrocities, the dent in the city of Siirt, and stress was placed on the waiting nuisances for the country.

Decision of EP to freeze negotiations

The most important breaking point started in this process is the developments after the 15th of July coup attempt, which is emphasized that Turkey has experienced the ups and downs of EU adventure which has been going on for about 60 years since 1959.

"The image of unwillingness and silent attitudes of the EU countries to condemn attempted coup, in fact support of coup plotters became the big reason of breakup. This de facto situation has caused the relations to come to the breaking point. There is no benefit at this stage in the continuation of the European Union membership process, which was entered in order to remain strong in the struggle with the internal status quo. Considering the economic and political crises that the European Union has experienced in itself and the fact that they will never make Turkiye a member and their hostile attitudes, it will be understood that the end of this process is the right choice."

Economic developments

In the explanation they also mentioned about the global economic turbulence which has recently taken shapes and pointed out that the reflection of these economic troubles in Turkiye is also come from the West.

In a period in which the global economy effect of Trump election in the USA continues, the EP's recommendation to temporarily freeze Turkiye's negotiation process makes this negative picture even more difficult, following explanations they have made:

"As long as the dollar continues to be reserve money, we will continue to play with the value of money in our pocket with our money supply, exploiting our labor and resources. The way out of this situation is to deduct the dollar from the reserve money and determine the value of the money according to the gold reserve. The request for the transition to a "gold" standard monetary system, which was recently spoken for monopoly of money domination over a few countries, is an indication of complaints and disturbances from the economic global system as well as political issues.

"The forces that cannot absorb the failure of the July 15 coup attempt puts the means of economic war into action” said in the statement and suggested to the Government must focus on establishing confidence and reasonably promptly without exposing to the crisis-brokers and not exposing the real economy to more waves and increasing the resistance of the economy against external interventions.

Wild attacks targeting Muslims in Arakan

In the statement, they drew attentions to the brutal attacks on Arakanese Muslims which Rohingya Muslims people are autochthonic people in the region, not like Myanmar Government claiming they are Bengal-backed and depriving the people from all their rights.

They have stated that in the last few weeks, airborne and land-based attacks against on Arakanese Muslims have been described as crimes against humanity, in which the Muslim villagers were set on fire, women and children burned alive, and women were subjected to collective and systematic rape.

In the statement that emphasized about international organizations did not move their muscle even in the face of this drama of the Arakanese Muslims who were subjected to the genocide, Islamic countries were also called to the following:

"In the face of this brutality in Arakan, Islamic countries must once again look at their current situation; they should leave the conflicts between themselves and not deal with each other, but with the obstacles in front of their unity."

The catastrophic wreckage in Siirt

They have touched to the landslide and reminded the visit of HUDA PAR Deputy Chairman Dr. Aydın Gök with party delegations have inspected in the region where workers remained under wreckage in the copper mine in the Maden Village of Şirvan District of Siirt on November 17.

They have mentioned in the statement to the negligence in land sliding that about four months before a small diameter of a landslide has come to the riot in the same mine, where the recent pre-event rain caused with a greater risk of a landslide.

"Measures taken by relevant ministries in recent years regarding worker health and safety have not taken precedence over work accidents, workers' injuries and deaths; the laws enacted and the precautions taken have largely failed to go beyond formalism. It is in no way acceptable that the Government and the employer have a purely material interest in the face of these kinds of facials, and the negligence of workers' health and safety. It is necessary to take account of the investigation carried out in connection with the mining accident in Şirvan, the account of negligence or liability in case. In addition, the victims of the victims' families should be relief with the material and moral and to try should be done alleviate their pain."

At the end of explanation, they have wished mercy from Almighty Allah for those who lost their lives and patience to families. (ILKHA)