Meeting with the representatives of local and national press organizations in Antalya, HUDA PAR Chairman Zekeriya Yapicioglu explained about internal and external agenda, especially relations with the European Union.

"It is in the benefit of Turkiye to make a distance from the collapsing European Union"

The European Union (EU) has now left a hypocritical stance against Turkiye in the last period, saying that it moves with its real face, the Yapicioğlu said:

"The decision of the European Parliament, one of the most controversial issues on the agenda, to freeze the membership negotiations with Turkiye for a period of time is being discussed extensively in politics. The reasons for which the European Parliament put forward in making this decision are in public opinion. In particular, some administrative savings and transactions made within the scope of state of emergency. These decisions shows the hypocrisies of EU. It is said that Europe has taken an unfair decision and applied a double standard. For example, the EU not rising its voice against France, which France managing with state of emergency for over a year but why talk about Turkiye which governing with state of emergency and shows reaction to implementations of state of emergency. In our view, the European Union has left its hypocrisy in this process. The European Union was acting as hypocritical against Turkiye up to now, has actually shown its true face against Turkiye at this point. The European Union is collapsing. It is in Turkiye's benefit to make a distinction between the collapsing European Union and watch this collapse from a certain distance. For when the European Union collapses, the countries that are members of the Union will, in one way or another, take the loss of their shares."

"How will you fight such an organization with a normal practice at an ordinary time?"

Yapıcıoğlu pointed out how the coup plotters had penetrated to everywhere, questioning how the fight against this structure will perform with normal implementations and continued as follows:

"As you know, after the July 15 coup attempt emergency state has declared. You know those who attempted to the coup. An organization called FETO has infiltrated the capillary vessels of the state so; assuming that one of the civil servants is injustice, the citizen complaints to the chief of officer of this injustice made to him. The chief is also a member of the same organization, so the citizen goes to the one above of the chief, to the director. He is also belongs to the same organization. If he carry his injustice to the general director, he is also same. If you take the injustice to court, the judge also is a member of the same organization. Appeal to the Council of State or the Supreme Court are belong to the same organization. They leaked so much that they kept all the corners. How to fight such an organization with a normal practice at an ordinary time!"

"It is our desire to become ordinary"

Stating that the further extension of the emergency state application is also not a request of them, but they also see the difficulty of the struggle that are made, Yapıcıoğlu said:

"Half of the generals, the police, especially in police and intelligence, fighting trafficking and organizing crime, combating terrorism, perhaps a large majority of these units, and some 80 percent of the security personnel are belong to that organization which were spoken out by those who  investigating. Think of a country, about 3 of its judges, prosecutors of that country belong to that organization. They use the authorities they hold in their hands for the interests of the associations to which they belong. They are using those authorities like a weapon against other groups they see as an obstacle to them and are victimizing those citizens. It is therefore not possible to deal with such an organization with normal law or with a normal procedure. It is our desire that the state of emergency will not extend further and that this struggle will end and become normal as soon as possible. But this struggle has some difficulties."

"A local constitution appropriate to the beliefs of the people, tradition, culture, history, must be made"

Yapıcıoğlu stated about the constitutional amendment and suggested the following:

"We think that this change will not be healing the need. In our opinion, the request of the citizen and the promise given to the citizen a completely new constitution is in need. In our opinion, a totally new constitution should be made in accordance with genres appropriate to the memory of civilians, beliefs, traditions, cultures, histories. This constitution must be completely indigenous. But the parliamentary table is not making it possible. What this party presidential system will bring or take is not yet fully clarified, which will be brought about by the amendment of the new constitution.

MHP and the AK Party mutually offered their own drafts. After it reflected on the public, we will sit down with our friends and evaluate it. If this change is visible to the interests of the nation and the country, we will support it even if it is against us. Even if this change will be against our country but benefit to our favor, we will stand against it. We will share this with the public. The important thing is the public interest. It is important that your nationality is worthy of care. From this point of view we will look at it and evaluate it. After clarification, I hope we will share our views on this issue with the public."

"Justice does not just punish people who commit crimes"

Yapıcıoğlu responded to the questions of members of the press after the statements, on the question of whether the retrial for the defendants of the FETO judiciary victims was not opened at all, he has given the following response:

"In this regard, we also have intense demands. It was expressed by our friends who met with Government officials or with the press. Over 4,000 judges and prosecutors were expelled from the profession on the grounds that they were in contact with FETO. While the supreme council of judges and prosecutors [HSYK], exported judges and prosecutors from the profession, on the grounds that they have publicly announced, this justification has been published in the official gazette. It is clearly stated here, that those judges and prosecutors used judicial power held by their authority and hands in their possession as a weapon against those who are against them and that they have no intention of carrying out justice.

So 'You gave unfair decisions. You have used it as a judicial weapon in the direction of your own ideological or organizational interests. For this reason we are throwing you out of business.' Then you should eliminate the victimization of the victims by sorting out the decisions they have made ideologically against their opponents or those who are not subject to them. Justice does not just punish criminals. It also requires the return of their rights to the people they persecuted. There is such an expectation from the Government. Unfortunately, no serious steps have been taken to date. Yes, the number of judges may be reduced because some of the members of the judiciary are dismissed from the profession, and the workload in the judiciary may be too great. But on this basis, to those who have known are oppressed, you have no right to say, ‘you continue to suffer this persecution’."

"Early marriage"

Yapıcıoğlu touched to another agenda topic of discussion in recent days is "Marriage at an early age" which he explained that no one has right to evaluate marriages made by tradition wedding associations in the same category as sexual exploiters:

"For us, the punishment of the person who raped a child is death”

"Early marriage is a fact of our society. Even if this is a crime in the eyes of the law, even if the courts consider the married people as sexual abusers at that age and punish them with their families, it is a legitimate thing in the eyes of the society, in its tradition, in its culture. The wedding establishes associations, dance the halay and marries young people. I leave the truth and the mistake of the matter to a side. Of course, those who rape children must punish with death, those who put an eye on their bodies and satisfy their animal fervor in the most violent way. In our opinion, it should not be anything other than death punishment for the rape of a child. But it is not acceptable for married people, who are completely legitimate, to put the same categorization into society because it is smaller than the age prescribed by law. (ILKHA)