After the US-backed coup attempt on July 15th, it became more apparent that the various projects of the FETO / PDY, which did not fall from the agenda, were caused interfaith by a large number of social, political and religious areas. The "moderate Islam" project, funded by the US and Israel, is at the forefront of these.

Ilke News Agency (ILKHA) focused on the "Interfaith Dialogue Project" which was conducted intensely after Fethullah Gülen's meeting with the Pope in 1998, and its reflection in the Southeast.

In order to legitimize other religions outside of Islam, to dissolve Islam in the context of distorted religions, the FETO / PDY, which produces concepts such as "Abrahamic Religions" and "Dialogues Between Religions" and then arranges programs in different cities of Turkey, like Mardin and Şanlıurfa in order to practice those thoughts.

Faith and religions parks

Şanlıurfa which one of the leading one in Halil İbrahim Meetings, Interfaith Dialogue Symposium, demonstration of a Christian man and a Muslim woman as married, and the Interfaith Park Project, which is considered to be done in Haleplibahçe and discussed the most. In Mardin, the Interfaith Dialogue Symposium held in Kasimiye Madrasah, a 7-thousand-year-old historical building, was accompanied by disgusting fashion show and the "Faith Park" project was attract the attention in Nusaybin in the same way.

Erkan Mumcu, who has been Ministry of Tourism and Culture at certain intervals in two different Governments, and CHP-rooted Ertugrul Gunay, the projects which are wanted to pass on to the life of the insisted during the ministries, caused destruction in the Muslim society.

"The greatest supporter of the project is Gulen"

In the book titled "Towards Global Peace" published by the Journalists and Writers Foundation, which honorary president by Fethullah Gulen and shows the extraordinary interest to non-Muslims but not to the Muslims who are under the persecution in many regions of the world, it is stressed that "Fethullah Gulen is the decisive supporter and incentive of the Interfaith Dialogue on the Muslims side". The Journalists and Writers Foundation (GYV) also provided great support for such activities through programs within the framework of the "Intercultural Dialogue Platform which incorporated in the Foundation".

"Boutique churches replicated"

After the project actualize in the Southeast, missionary activities accelerated and almost all the "House-Type Boutique Churches" were activated. With the project, evangelization efforts have been brought to the forefront by targeting Mosques and Muslims. The TV channels connected to the FETO also supported this project with their series. Christianity and Judaism were aggrandized in the published series.

An old imam who was opposed to the project was arrested

Cetin Yıldırım, a 76-year-old retired imam in Bingöl, was sentenced to 15 years imprisonment with false reports and false statements by FETO judges and prosecutors on June 23, 2009, because of his reaction against Interfaith Dialog.

Yildirim, who entered the prison as a result of the established plots, his victimizations are not limited to this. Cetin Yıldırım, with his advanced age and hypertension disease, high diabetes, cardiovascular disease, is still in prison due to the imprudence of forensic medicine, despite the report of "not good enough to stay in prison" from university and state hospitals.

Forensic medicine institution, without taking these reports into consideration, decided that Yıldırım would be "in prison" and was asked to die in prison.

Bayram Ali Öztürk, who was also targeted because of his speech about the Interfaith Dialogue Project, was also stabbed to death on September 3, 2006.

The first symposium was held in Mardin

Following the Symposium on Interfaith Dialogue which held in Mardin Kasımiye Madrassa on May 13, 2004, similar programs have been started in all of Turkey. The 'International Symposium on Religions and Peace' organized by the Intercultural Dialogue Platform (KADIP) was the scene of scandalous images. Priests, rabbis, imams and vice-presidents of Religious Affairs were also passion through on the straight path bridge (as-sir?t).

A mind-blowing program in Şanlıurfa

A symposium was held in Şanlıurfa under the name of interfaith dialogue in that period. In the symposium, a professor of sociology at the University of Texas, Christian Lester Kurtz, and to journalist Muslim Meryem Kurtz were married in the presence of rabbi, priest and mufti and participant. Moreover, Lester Kurtz declared that he was both a Christian and a Muslim. This event moved to the Zaman newspaper dated April 15, 2010 under the headline "from the dialogue to the wedding".

The mosques and the churches were built interbedded

Following the programs in Mardin and Şanlıurfa, concurrent programs have been started on many provinces, especially in Istanbul. In fact, a church was built inside the Pazaryeri Mosque in Alacati, Izmir. After Sanliurfa, Antalya and Hatay, a religion garden was built in Kuşadası. The subversion activity was carried out under the name of tolerance. Excavation work started within the scope of the "Faith Park Project" which was put into practice in order to bring the Mor Yakup Church and the Zeynelabidin Mosque to a place in the town of Nusaybin. With the project initiated 10 years ago in the Ministry of Culture and Tourism, Governorship of Mardin, Municipality of Nusaybin and Assyrian community, Mor Yakup Church and Zeynelabidin Mosque were reorganized to bring together in a common place.

The fashion show organized in Mardin was a continuation of the project?

In Mardin, on September 25, 2010, during the period of Governor Hasan Duruer, an event called "great disgrace" was signed by the fashion designer Cemil İpekçi. The Kasimiye Madrasah, one of the centers of knowledge of the region, organized a fashion show that was spoken for days and reacted greatly by the people of Mardin. Despite all the reactions, the Governor of Mardin did not step back and organized the show, which caused the comments of the Mardin people "This project is a project to corrupt the Mardin people, to remove them from their moral values".

"We will make Mardin an arts center"

Immediately following this event, the 2nd International Mardin Biennial, which was supported by the Prime Ministry Promotion Fund, the GAP Regional Development Administration and the Governorship of Mardin, was held at the Tokmaklar home. The unveil Bineal was made by Mardin Governor Turhan Ayvaz, President of the GAP Administration Sadrettin Karahocalıgil, Mayor of Mardin Mehmet Beşir Ayanoğlu  also supported the AK Party Mardin mayors. "We will make Mardin the center of art" with the slogan of Bineal, alcoholic drink was served as a variety of drinks. Mardin, which has a wide spiritual basin, was targeted differently with the slogan of art center.

Obscene show in historical madrasa

The historic Kasimiye Madrasa, which belongs to the Foundations and has two mosques which one mosque open to service, Mardin Bienali show, obscene model dressed organized by Mardin Governorship and the GAP Administration between June 4 and July 5, 2010.

Governorship of Mardin has been included in many organizations

On September 25, 2010 approximately 200 thousand liras were spent within the scope of SODES and the fashion show was organized again with the Governor of Mardin and Fashion Designer Cemil İpek. Despite the calls of more than 40 NGOs, also the two mosques in the Kasımiye Madrasa, the "fashion show" was held.

Latin dances course opened in Mardin

Again on March 14, 2010, with the support of the Mardin Governor's Office, a course of Latin dances was opened with the organization of Handan Ozmen, a painting teacher. Reflected to the media that 130 young were learning cha-cha, salsa and tango. The reaction which was aimed at local cultures and opened the door to moral corruption took reaction of the people in the region.

Along with Şanlıurfa and Mardin, various steps were taken in different provinces. In Van, in the Akdamar Church, in Trabzon, in the Sumela Monastery, after a century, rituals were organized.

Governor arrested from FETO

Turhan Ayvaz, the governor of of Mardin in that period, who had many activities in Mardin, was arrested and put into prison under the investigation of the FETO initiated after the July 15 coup attempt.

"Trying to produce a moderate Muslim type"

Speaking about the projects being implemented, Mardin's active non-governmental organization Dost-Der's Chairman Fesih Memiş said that there is no such thing as "Interfaith Dialogue" in Islam, only a dialogue among the religious functionaries could be possible.

Memiş said, "Dialogue can be carried out in the social affairs of the world as a whole with other members of the religion whom we refer to as the People of the Book, for example in the tanning of the hungry, the wearing of naked people, or in the floods, earthquake disasters. It should not be forgotten that Islam is the only religion in the presence of Allah. That is why there is no such thing as 'Interfaith Dialogue'. In the year 2000, Fethullah Gulen, leader of the coup attempt of July 15, “Interfaith Dialogue” project was actualize. Unfortunately, both Turkey and the world media have supported it on the agenda. There were intellectuals, academics, teachers, scholars who opposed it, but their voice was low. Diyanet (Turkish Directorate of Religious Affairs), an institution of the state and the state itself, did not say anything about the subject in those years. As a result, 'Interfaith Dialogue' was a project. It was a project of imperialist powers. This dialogue, initiated by Gulen, leader of FETÖ, was in fact their project. Gulen was their pawn and even one of them. In short, the world imperialism tried to produce a moderate Muslim type that made no sound to all the acts that they would do. Of course the owner this religion is Allah, and Allah will create his servants who will help this religion."

"We wanted to give up the half of the Tawhid"

The educator Mahmut Yavuz regarded the "Interfaith Dialogue" meetings as a hypocrite, which held in different places, especially in Mardin.

Yavuz said, "What is desired to be imposed on us through interfaith dialogue; to give up on the second half of word of Tawhid which is Muhammad-un Rasulullah [Muhammad is the Messenger of Allah]. As a matter of fact, this is a submissive attempt in the form of reconciliation of Islam directly with Christianity, which the chief hypocrite of FETO designed and held in different places, especially in Mardin. The interfaith dialogue is also an attempt. It was a project of the West. The Islamic community that opposed of it, did not even get the support of the conservative media. The hypocrites of Medina what they did to Prophet, I read this same as like those hypocrites. It's not acceptable."

"We need to educate the children of the Ummah with the Qur'an again"

Yavuz continued and said, "There is no problem when Muslims take the Qur'an as a guide in this modern world. We became vulnerable when we turn away from the Qur'an. Therefore, we have no other way than our Qur'an education. We have to realize in the direction of Muhammad's authentic Sunnah. We have to educate the children of this Ummah with the Qur’an again." (ILKHA)