Military forces and Buddhist gangs of the Myanmar Government continue to attack the barbarian attacks on Muslims in the country.

According to information received from local sources, the Jihanda, Fulbari and Naribili villages of Arakanese Muslims, known as the Rohingya, were exposed to air strikes by military forces. A mosque in Naribili was attacked and burned together with people inside.

In the images received by ILKHA, it is seen that the Rakhin Buddhists dragged the murdered Muslims in places in order to torture them.

Buddhists do not allow Muslims to leave their villages and beating the people they caught with sticks no matter male or female. Those who scream because of the pain are being insulted.

In images, where men lay out in groups, the Buddhists are trying to break the Muslims' knees with long stick. It is seen that women who take their children to their laps wait in fear and wailing.

The savagery that Arakanese Muslims see from Buddhists is not limited to these. Women who try to escape from oppression and coaction see various tortures before they are captured and then used in women's trade.

Muslims whose education rights are taken away, can only read up to 4th or 5th grade. Pressures are being applied to children and young people to change religions.

It is also reported that Buddhists have cut into parts the corpses of Muslims and sold their flesh in butchers. (ILKHA)