Kudüs TV was closed by RTÜK [radio and television supreme council] in accordance number 668 Statutory Decree 2nd article and 4th paragraph which about to taken measures and regulation for some institutions and organizations.

Polis which came to its center building in Istanbul, Bağcılar, while seizing immovables in here to be transferred to the treasury, then they sealed the building.

Kudüs TV was broadcasting to inform the public of Turkiye with continues broadcasting especially in the process of “Arab Spring” and Egypt. They also informed people of Turkiye about attacks on Israel on Gaza with continues broadcasting and conveying those living in different geographies of Islamic world to their audiences. In their social media account, they said that they will make a press statement today.

Kudüs TV which its Chief Editor was doing by Nurettin Şirin, was broadcasting against Israel and US in global scope and also against the regime of Saudi. (ILKHA)