Islamic communities which they built up the core of society, have been subjected to countless inhumanity and unlawfulness applications since the establishment of Turkiye Republic. They have been seen as alterity by system and them Government tied to the system. While the color of Governments are different, it hit the future hopes of Muslim people when those Governments keep pace with status quo.

The expectation of Muslim people about the experienced atrocities are going to be seen one day and the justice will be manifested one day has been disappointed. The regime that is far from the people’s faith values and managing by a minor superior mind and judicial system which tied to the regime have caused huge victimizations all along.

Many segments are experienced huge suffers sometimes by the logic of military domination, sometimes by the logic of police state, and sometimes by the applications of civil bureaucracy. Changed Governments have resolved the victimizations of those who they see in their hinterland, and those they have intellectual kinship bond. However the sufferings victimizations of Islamic societies haven’t been resolving and haven’t seen so far even in the period the Governments which they are colored with the same color of that society.

After the 15 July coup attempt, the plots and conspiracies organized by FETO have revealed one by one which FETO was reached an active power in the military and owner of civil domination. This darken power but somehow invisible is expressed before by Islamic societies those victimized by this structure and other structures before this one, eventually a calamity has justified the warnings those have done in times.

And yes, everything has come to the light now. Victimizations caused by FETO structure have been spoken and discussion acutely after the 15 July process which is a milestone for Turkiye. All the segments expected that their distress they experienced will relief and restoration of honor will be given back. But Kemalist elite who are famed with coups have been absolved in TV screens and in headlines of newspapers for days. Not of old, in recently those press organs who have set gallows for them, started news about them with bringing captions and rhapsodizes in front of their names. Eventually those who were qualified as sinister by this society started to be honored by and then remittered to their work which they were dismissed before.

No one hear and voice of Islamic society which are seen as alterity and no one see their victimization. People who state dismisses they experienced in every platform believe that the justice certainly will be manifested one day. They are continuing to express their victimizations, faced to their humanitarian values are trampled and convicted injustice and lawlessness.

One of these cases which somehow invisible and had woven with plots and conspiracies is the close process of Mustazaf-Der which caused victimizations of dozens innocent people.

After the 15 July coup attempt has been failed by people flowed to streets, thousands of judges and prosecutors linked to FETO/PDY are suspended from duty, the cases that settled by those judges and prosecutors have come up to be seen again. But in the arguments that made on victimization of Islamic society and plots cases which caused by those judicial elements are still ignoring.

Including also Istanbul, Diyarbakir and Mersin where 49 people have been on trial in the close process of Mustazaf-Der Headquarters with file of Konya 2008 dated and files those have seen in the Ankara 11th Heavy Penal Court which made with the cooperation of police and prosecutor 2009/137 numbered main files of Ankara are only 2 cases that signed by FETO/PDY…

Defendants of these cases as if have lynched with the fake evidences and reflected to the public like it is a big operation in the manipulative news of FETO/PDY press institutions, many people have been victimized with severe penalties at the end of case.

After the 15 July coup attempt, all of the court board members are suspended from duty or detained within the investigation on FETO/PDY, who were seeing the cases about closing process of Mustazaf-Der in Konya and Ankara.

Plot case to Mustazaf-Der

Which won favor in people’s eyes with the activities are done Mustazaf-Der, the plot closing case located in the central of Konya, has started totally with a judicial case which some of defendants of a cigarette trafficking had a phone call with some Mustazaf-Der’s members and it included in the scope of organization. Suddenly the judicial case has been taken under the organization scope. They claimed that cigarette trafficking was having financial support to the association (Mustazaf-Der) and dozens of people had been arrested under this investigation.

Terror investigation to those judiciary who issued the order

Claims those came up with the fake evidences which invented by police and judiciary members of FETO/PDY, are being rejected in all levels of the court and with evidences those are not legal that bounded to the association, still have been made a reason to close Mustazaf-Der which the case have been seeing in the Adana 6th Heavy Penal Court with 2008/114 main file number and resulted with convict.

Yet the president of Adana 6th Heavy Penal Court in that day Bayram Demirci (38081) and members of court Ayşe Bolaç(40913) and Irfan Yıldız (41039) have been arrested or suspended from duty after the 15 July coup attempt.

Mustazaf-Der has been closed with the plot of FETO

Another plot has initiated on the Mustazaf-Der by an investigation with the terror accusation which Mustazaf-Der had hundreds of offices and thousands of members. Mustazaf-Der is closed which its offices have been frequently attacked and its members have been assaulted by PKK, with that the relationship between FETO and PKK have seen clearly after 15 July.

Trial lawyers have emphasized that none of activities of closed Mustazaf-Der is illegal and there is no propaganda about any organization in their activities, said that they took the ‘closed order’ to ECHR and expecting all rights to be given back in the continuing case process.

Also a plot of FETO/PDY is in Ankara

Another plot case with 2009/137 main number opened by elements of FETO/PDY who were in the state and has been seen in Ankara 11th Heavy Penal Court. In the case which they tried to create perception papers the delivered to press showing that it is a big terror operation, 8 detainee totally 11 people were on the trial. From that case only Mehmet Şerif Onuk has charged and others have released after a long time of being victimized.

The baseline documents of the case are documents stolen from Beykoz by FETO/PDY

Association of Human Rights and Freedom has revealed the lawlessness in this case in the prepared report. They stated that the baseline of the case is the Hizbullah (Turkish Hizbullah) archive which claiming that captured in raid of Beykoz (Istanbul) on 17 January 2000. They had drew attention on these irregularities that those evidences must be taken under protection and about the solution issue:

 “Among captures 41 hard disks, 24 of them have been sent to the US and have been posted to CDs, it is mentioning in the main Hizbullah case’s report. Keeping it away from property and evidence unit is heavy and clear violation against code criminal procedure that the changing, erasing and adding of such these electronic-digital materials which include significant information and documents. When it is thought that there is no backup has been made for these captured hard disks, there is no legal validity anymore for those documents which only are copies in the case files claiming that they are from CDS, computers and diskettes. At the most it is a judicial calamity that thousands have been investigated, prosecuted and arrested with copy documents while there is an argument about digital data can be used or not in courts which high probably those documents can be changed, added and erased.”

All the Hizbullah cases are suspects

Also it is revealed that Hizbullah archive has been stolen by FETO/PDY to outland while it must be in the property and evidence unit but it hasn’t been given and not found even in the police headquarters. Those evidences allegedly seized here, have been used later in legal CSO’s cases despite all opened Hizbullah cases after the year of 2000 which they became questionable. Thousands people have been convicted with the ‘computer printed background report’ which prepared by third parties.

Trial judges who gave conviction order are arrested under the FETO/PDY scope

President of Ankara 11th Heavy Penalty Court Dündar Örsdemir (35974) has been arrested under the investigation of FETO/PDY, and members of court Hakan Oruç (37272) and Kadriye Çatal (38129) are not on trial with the charge of terror. It is expecting that the victimizations caused by this committee to be relief.

Victims want the elimination of their right violation

Victims are remarking that judges of Konya and Ankara must be get to the court under the scope of these crimes which it is expecting those judges are going to go on trial in different counts, and they want elimination of their right violation.