International Relief Organization IHO-EBRAR based in Netherlands continues better services in many countries, the organization has recently provided food aid to families those determined as needy and orphans in Genc, district of Bingol.
Veysel Tartik, vice president of IHO-EBRAR said that they have provided food aid to orphans and needy families through Genc-Der (an active association in Genc); in the various places of the world and Turkey they try to reach needy and poor families.
Tartik indicated that their assistance activities continuing and said: “Our aids have been reached to 30 needy and orphans families that we determined before via Genc-Der which has favorable activities in Genc. We have aid activities carried out around the world with the help of charitable people. I thank to those all contributors for supporting charities, especially thank to Genc-Der, and we have supplication from Allah to help those needy and sufferer families.” (İLKHA)