Weekly statement released by HUDA PAR assessing the coup attempt of July 15, it is also urged that Incirlik which is being used under the name of NATO, remarkably by the USA and other western imperialists, must be closed immediately.

Assessing the coup period so far, it is said in the beginning of the statement that: “the coup attempt carried out by a malicious ring led by Fethullah Gülen on the night of July 15, failed with Allah’s grace and aid. Praise to Allah, who stuck the plotters’ desire aimed to attempt against people’s freedom, safety and peace, into their glitters.”

“Muslims should welcome the opportunity of unity”

Indicating that the resistance of Islamic groups against coup attempt was a slam into the face of this malicious ring which was intending to wipe off all Islamic groups, it is said that:

“We felicitate and appreciate all Muslims regardless of their group, cult, association, party or community and also Turk, Kurd, Arab, Laz, Charkas regardless of their ethnic origins who resisted heroically and disallowed the axis of evil which sought to put their future and will in pledge.  Resistance of Islamic groups was a slap in the face of this malicious ring which was trying to destroy all Islamic groups since it emerged. We wish for Muslims to welcome the opportunity of unity as they gathered by remembering their brothers to protect their rights and law across the country against this malicious ring’s sinister attempt. (İLKHA)

Coup attempt was the “last ring of a path started with Gezi protests and ditch theatre which was placed one by one to conclude with a civil war”

Underlining that the Muslims and secular- leftist sects, who were trying to mock and degrade their efforts, mustn’t be evaluated in the same way, these warnings put ahead in the statement:

“This attempt was the last ring of a path started with Gezi protests and ditch theatre which was placed one by one to conclude with a civil war conducted by imperialist powers that consider the Muslim countries as subject of exploitation and occupation and never let survive with their own will. Those who contributed to this coup attempt at which level and those who resisted the coup attempt in sincerity are in the limelight. Yet, those, who played a wafting game while Muslims resisted the coup at the cost of their life and kept their followers away from the streets moreover these leftist, secular and worldly fanatics insulting the people, demonstrating against the coup, mustn’t be evaluated in the same way.

Incirlik air base which is the epicenter of the coup attempt and the USA and imperialist powers’ operation center under the name of NATO must be closed immediately

Remarking that government must analyze well who were the friends and who were the foes during coup attempt, it is said in the statement that:

“It is understood from the western imperialist powers’ statements and their stance against the malicious ring’s coup attempt that they have not backed down about their desires and hopes. So, we mustn’t off our guards and it mustn’t be let demons come between. Considering that evil axis may have A,B,C,D plans , government that is responsible to rule the country must analyze who are friends and who are foes during this process. Incirlik air base which is the epicenter of the coup attempt and the USA and imperialist powers’ operation center under the name of NATO must be closed immediately.”

“State and government must hasten the works for a new local constitution which befits people’s faith and values while abolishing the system’s monistic, marginalizing and secularist concept.”

Saying that fending off this sudden coup attempt has been a gift and grace of Allah, it is stated that: “Allah has bestowed freedom and safety blessings us by favor of His brave and sincere servants. According to the hadit of ‘Every blessing is for its type’ at first state and government officials everybody must be grateful to these bestowed general blessings. Gratitude of freedom is brotherhood and gratitude of safety is justice. State and government must take steps for maintaining justice and brotherhood among Muslim peoples. Government must hasten the works for a new and local constitution which befits people’s faith and values while abolishing the system’s monistic, marginalizing and secularist concept.”

“When system itself behooves people’s beliefs, no one would even imagine staging a coup”

Indicating that unless the system is at peace with Islam, new troubles may appear, it is said in the statement that: “unless system is at peace with Islam, endeavors to reconcile believers with system would be merely postponing the problems rather than solving it and may give grounds to new troubles like this malicious ring which has been trying to deceive people with Allah. If people, in spite of the current system, lay before tanks that a government which is not challenging with their beliefs, is ruling the country, then when system itself behoove people’s beliefs, no one would even imagine staging a coup. The Kurdish question that is a mean of exploitation for PKK, which has been a natural disaster for Kurds, must be resolved through Islamic essential principles. The problems of people who have lost their houses or properties during the clashes mustn’t be condoned and pushed off.” (ILKHA)