In the summit that NATO countries’ leaders gathered, “cyber-space” was described as an operational are that would be defended from now on. “We accepted cyber-space as our new operational area by adding it on our ground, air and sea areas” said NATO general secretary Stoltenberg.

Green light for cyber-attacks to be responded with conventional weapons

This step was indicated to be taken for “Adaptation to changing security threats” in case of any NATO country to be targeted by cyber- attack, 5th article of NATO that requires collective defend will be on which means it is allowed to be responded by conventional weapons.

“Cyber-attacks could cause destruction and death as much as traditional weapons cause”

Evaluating cyber-space strategy of NATO, Jamie Shea who is responsible of new security threats, underlined that cyber-attacks could cause as much destruction and death that conventional weapons could cause.

“Big attacks could be organized even from bedroom”

Saying: “First time in the world any place can be targeted from another place of the earth in any time by anyone.” Jamie Shea, continued as: "Any country on the other side of the world to be targeted from thousands of kilometres away, couldn’t be thought. But nowadays this can be organized even from bedrooms without need to millions of dollars, tanks, arms and state skills; moreover it can make big effects even without risk of being caught.”

"Cyber-attacks can be organized for espionage or sabotage"

Indicating that nowadays increasing number of cyber-weapons can be used in crisis and conflicts, Shea underlined that as alliances ground, sea, air and space activities are working electronically or by internet, they could be affected by a cyber-attack directly. Indicating that cyber-attacks can be used for espionage or sabotage purposes, Shea stated that some attacks are aiming to failure military operations, weapon systems or command control centres by mixing signals.

Whom the cyber-attacks can be from?

Whose, which countries’ cyber-attacks western alliance NATO is concerned about? Despite China and Russia are two countries that mentioned with those kinds of attacks, pointing out that almost 40 countries have developed cyber-weapons to in purpose of s-cyber-attack, Shea said:

“Some big size cyber-attacks can cost cheaper than a guided missile”

“Some big cyber-attacks can cost cheaper than a single guided missile and can cause more destruction than the guided missile. This attractive for many countries. They say: ‘Let’s give up dejenaration of our Jets, Tanks and missiles and instead develop our cyber-power.’ Even if you don’t want to develop them by yourselves, you can get them prepared by others, organized crime groups.”

Indicating that not just countries can organize cyber-attacks, Shea answered the question that if ISIS could organize cyber-attack by saying: “Of course; they benefit from internet for propaganda, finance, gathering fighters etc. They have highly skilled staffs. Plus they are losing land in Syria and Iraq recently. That is why their cyber-respond possibility has increased.”

They will cooperate with companies as Google and Microsoft as well

Indicating that an also an international cooperation is required, indicating that there are many attempts in this case, Shea did the following evaluation:

“When the nuclear weapons were developed, the system for monitoring nuclear weapons was activated. When the chemical weapons developed than they were taken under the monitoring. We have to determine rules for cyber-space as well. Of course when in the past the question was weapons, it was enough speaking to countries. Now in cyber-space we need to speak to companies as google and Microsoft as well.” (ILKHA)