A funeral ceremony was organized at governorship office’s yard for elderly couple who are died at yesterday attack. After ceremony couple are brought to kutlubey village by their relatives and people of Midyat.

Midyat’s caimacam Oğuzhan Bingöl, Midyat’s provincial mufti Mehmet Şafi Bilik and people of Midyat participated at ceremony. After prayer performed at the funeral couple are burried side by side in tears.

A woman who participated the funeral stated that we leave the rest to Allah for who have done it.

Cemil Uğurlu said that we visited our son in jail and this attack happened.

A woman said that they were very good person. They never harmed anyone and they left one daughter and four son. May God send them to heaven.

It was learnt that Bekir and Hayriye Sayan who died at attack visited their son who sent to prison after that they waited for bus to come back to their village.

It is well known that at about 10.50 police station was attacked approximately with a ton bomb-laden vehicle by PKK. Three policies, one of them was pregnant, and three civilian were died and about 70 people were injured.

Building, house and workplace’s windows were broken, a lot of cars were damaged and around 200 workplaces became unusable. (ILKHA)