This meeting, which took place in the Ortaköy neighborhood of Artuklu district, brought together key scholars from different countries, including Dr. Nawaf Takruri, head of the Association of Palestinian Islamic Scholars Abroad, Dr. Abdulhey Yusuf, president of the Sudanese Union of Scholars, and Sheikh Ali Yusuf, head of the Al Quds Platform of the Palestinian Union of Scholars.

The scholars emphasized that Islamic leaders and scholars must actively engage in raising awareness about the Palestinian cause and defend the rights of the oppressed Muslims in the region. They called upon the Islamic Ummah to unite in supporting Palestinians and resist the occupation.

The Duty of Scholars to Defend Palestine

Dr. Abdulhey Yusuf highlighted the immense responsibilities that Islamic scholars hold. He stated that they are the heirs of the prophets and that it is their obligation to guide society towards truth. Drawing from prophetic traditions, he reminded the audience that "a Muslim is the brother of a Muslim," stressing that scholars must work to protect their brothers and sisters in Palestine, Gaza, and Lebanon. He further condemned the Israeli occupation regime for destroying schools and martyring children.

"Palestinian lands are sacred to all Muslims. They are the lands where the Prophet's Isra took place, and it is our duty to defend them. Every Islamic scholar must explain the significance of Palestine to their communities and counter false narratives that suggest selling Palestinian land or negotiating with the occupiers," Yusuf urged.

Jihad and the Importance of Faith and Intellectual Preparation

Dr. Nawaf Takruri, representing the Association of Palestinian Islamic Scholars Abroad, elaborated on the concept of jihad in Palestine and Gaza. He explained that the struggle in these regions is not only a defense of land but also a defense of the entire Islamic world, including Egypt, Mecca, Medina, and Turkey.

Takruri emphasized the role of scholars in preparing the Muslim Ummah for jihad, starting with the intention of jihad in faith, intellectual understanding, and physical readiness. "The mujahideen in Gaza are not only fighting for themselves, but for all of us. We must support them just as we would defend our own homes and children," he said.

Boycott as a Sharia Obligation

A central theme of the gathering was the emphasis on boycotting products from companies that support the Israeli occupation. Takruri highlighted that boycotting these products is a Sharia obligation. "It is impermissible to support the enemy economically. By purchasing products from companies that back the occupation, we are indirectly aiding the oppressors. Boycott is a form of resistance, and it must continue."

He also reminded the audience of the importance of jihad with wealth, urging Muslims to contribute financially to support the people of Gaza, regardless of their financial status. "The people of Gaza are sacrificing their blood, their children, and their homes. It is our duty to contribute our wealth to support their cause," Takruri stated.

Call for Unity and Action

The scholars concluded with a call for unity within the Muslim world. They urged the formation of committees to spread awareness of the Palestinian cause and to mobilize resources to help those suffering under Israeli occupation.

The meeting, which began with a recitation from the Quran, was a reminder of the profound spiritual and social responsibility Islamic scholars hold in defending Palestine and guiding the global Muslim community in times of crisis. (ILKHA)