In an interview with Ilke News Agency (ILKHA), Dr. Takruri urged Muslims worldwide to take direct action against the Zionist presence in their countries, demanding the removal of Israeli embassies and consulates from Arab and Muslim lands.

Dr. Takruri’s message is rooted in his deep conviction that the Aqsa Flood—an emblematic moment in the Palestinian struggle—has brought to light the urgency of dismantling Zionist influence in the region. "One year has passed since the Aqsa Flood," he said, "and the embassies of the Zionist entity are still open and free in many Arab and Muslim countries." He stressed that this situation is intolerable, calling on Muslims to "uproot these embassies from their foundations" and reject any form of Zionist representation in their countries.

For Dr. Takruri, the Aqsa Flood was not merely a military or political confrontation; it was a moral and spiritual call to action. It underscored the reality that the presence of Zionist institutions in Muslim lands is incompatible with the values and rights of the Islamic Ummah. "The Flood made this task more clear and made it clear beyond any doubt," he declared.

In no uncertain terms, Dr. Takruri called for the complete dismantling and elimination of the Zionist entity, emphasizing that it should not be treated as a legitimate state. "It is unthinkable for the Zionist entity to have an embassy, consulate, headquarters or economic connection in Muslim countries," he said, denouncing the ongoing atrocities committed by Israel against Palestinians in Gaza, the West Bank, and across the world.

For Dr. Takruri, Israel’s actions—whether in the form of military aggression or political maneuvering—are not just attacks on Palestinians but an affront to the entire Ummah. He argued that Israel’s very existence and its political ties to Muslim countries represent a moral failure that must be addressed urgently. "This criminal entity should not be treated as a legitimate entity. On the contrary, this entity must be disbanded and eliminated."

Dr. Takruri's message was particularly directed at the youth of the Muslim world. He urged them to protest and take action against the presence of Israeli embassies and consulates in their countries. "In the countries where the embassies are located, they should protest in front of these embassies and stand against them. This is the least that should be done," he said, stressing that such actions are necessary until the embassies are removed and Zionist envoys are expelled from Muslim and Arab lands.

For Dr. Takruri, this struggle is not just about symbolism or political rhetoric—it is a matter of real action. He called on Muslims to "shake the foundations of this entity wherever it exists" and to mobilize in defense of the Palestinian cause. His message was clear: the duty of every Muslim is to challenge the Zionist presence in any form, and the youth have a special role to play in this struggle.

In his closing remarks, Dr. Takruri touched on the broader responsibilities of the Muslim Ummah. While humanitarian aid—such as food and medicine—remains critical, he argued that the Ummah cannot be content with these measures alone. "The Islamic Ummah cannot be satisfied with just looking for medicine and food," he said, urging Muslims to exert pressure on their governments to sever ties with Israel and take a stand against the Zionist entity.

For Dr. Takruri, the stakes are high, and the sacrifices may be great, but the cause is urgent. He emphasized that the peoples of the Muslim world must push their rulers to take decisive action, even if it means facing resistance or backlash. "The peoples must mobilize to impose this on their rulers, because most of them have accepted the humiliation. Others stand by this entity," he declared, stressing that this is not merely a political issue but a matter of dignity, justice, and faith.

Dr. Nawaf Takruri’s impassioned plea serves as a stark reminder of the ongoing struggle for Palestinian liberation and the broader fight for justice in the Muslim world. His call for the removal of Zionist embassies, the dismantling of the Israeli state, and the mobilization of the Ummah underscores the deep-rooted commitment to resistance that has defined the Palestinian cause for decades.

As the Aqsa Flood anniversary brings renewed focus on the Palestinian struggle, Dr. Takruri's words resonate as a call to action, urging Muslims everywhere to stand firm in their faith, to resist oppression, and to work tirelessly for a future free from Israeli occupation and domination. In his final words, Dr. Takruri reminded the Ummah that Allah is the ultimate judge and guide in this struggle: "This is what we must do, and Allah is the Highest and Knows best."

In this message, Dr. Takruri leaves no room for ambiguity—the fight against Zionism is a moral, spiritual, and political obligation for every Muslim, and the time for action is now. (ILKHA)