In separate meetings with United Nations Secretary-General Antonio Guterres and Philemon Young, Araghchi emphasized the urgent need for the international body to take immediate action to protect regional and global peace and security. He criticized the UN Security Council's failure to take effective measures or even issue a statement condemning what he called Israel's "genocide and aggression" in Lebanon and Gaza.

Araghchi underscored the legal and moral duty of the UN Secretary-General and the President of the UN General Assembly to rally the international community against the atrocities of the Zionist regime. He called the United States’ role in blocking any decisive action by the Security Council “illegal and shameful,” accusing Washington of complicity in Israeli crimes.

"The United States is a definite partner in Israel's crimes," Araghchi said, pointing to the use of U.S.-supplied mortar bombs in the assassination of resistance leaders as clear evidence of Washington’s involvement.

The Iranian foreign minister reaffirmed Tehran's unwavering commitment to defending its vital national interests and regional security against Israeli aggression. He also stressed that the path of resistance against Israeli occupation would continue, asserting that the recent Zionist crimes have only strengthened the resolve of the region’s people to assert their rights and stand firm against Israeli evils.

Araghchi’s statements come as tensions in the region escalate, with Israel’s actions in both Gaza and Lebanon drawing sharp condemnation from Iran and other nations aligned with the resistance movement.

The meetings with UN officials reflect Iran’s ongoing diplomatic efforts to mobilize international opposition to Israel's policies, and the foreign minister's warnings suggest that further escalation in the region could be imminent if no action is taken.

As the situation develops, the international community is watching closely for any potential responses from the United Nations and the broader global diplomatic arena. (ILKHA)