The rally, which was held at the Yenihal Bridge Junction on Thursday evening, was a forceful condemnation of Israel’s attacks in Gaza and Lebanon, which have resulted in widespread destruction and civilian casualties. The event was part of a series of demonstrations organized by the Foundation since the escalation of Israeli aggression following "Operation Aqsa Flood" on Oct. 7 during which Hamas launched a large-scale offensive against Israel.

Speakers at the rally, including prominent figures such as Ibrahim Yaz and İsmail Dalkılıç, addressed the crowd with impassioned speeches that emphasized the ongoing suffering in Gaza and Lebanon and criticized both the global community and Islamic leaders for their silence in the face of what they described as genocide. The rally not only underscored the humanitarian crisis in Gaza but also called for a unified Islamic response to challenge Israel’s occupation and to support the Palestinian cause.

A Call to Action Amidst Silence: Islamic World’s Moral Obligation

Ibrahim Yaz, a central figure at the rally, drew powerful historical parallels between the current situation in Gaza and the silence of the Islamic world during pivotal moments in history. He likened the inaction of today’s Islamic leaders to the people of Kufa who remained passive during the martyrdom of Hazrat Hussein. "The silence of the Islamic Ummah in the face of the massacres in Gaza is reminiscent of the tragic events of Karbala," Yaz declared to the crowd. "Just as the people of Kufa turned a blind eye to the martyrdom of Imam Hussein, the Islamic world today is doing the same by failing to respond to the ongoing genocide in Gaza."

Yaz didn’t stop there. He invoked the fall of Andalusia, another dark chapter in Islamic history, where the Muslim community's inability to unite and act led to the destruction of one of the most advanced Islamic civilizations. "The Andalusian Islamic Civilization was wiped out because the Ummah remained silent, just as they are now while Gaza burns. Tomorrow, our children will ask us, 'Where were you when Gaza was being slaughtered?' and we will have no excuse, for we witnessed it all in real-time," he emphasized.

He further criticized Islamic leaders for their lack of meaningful response, condemning them for offering nothing more than empty words and symbolic condemnations. "We are ashamed as an Ummah," Yaz declared, his voice filled with frustration. "While children are being slaughtered and women are being killed in Gaza, Muslim leaders continue to meet, issue statements, and take no real action to stop the oppression."

The Gaza Genocide: Humanitarian Catastrophe

The humanitarian crisis in Gaza was a central theme of the rally. The Prophet's Lovers Foundation, through its speakers, detailed the extent of the devastation caused by Israeli airstrikes and military operations. İsmail Dalkılıç, who delivered a press statement on behalf of the foundation, described the catastrophic toll the ongoing Israeli geocide has taken on the civilian population. "More than 41,000 of our brothers and sisters have been massacred in Gaza. Two-thirds of these massacred people are women and children," Dalkılıç stated. "Gaza has been turned into a cemetery for women and children."


He painted a vivid picture of the destruction in Gaza, noting that over 350,000 homes have been obliterated, leaving millions displaced and forced to live in makeshift camps. Schools, hospitals, mosques, and vital infrastructure have been decimated, with access to clean water and food becoming increasingly scarce. "The humanitarian crisis in Gaza is deepening by the day," Dalkılıç warned, adding that diseases such as hepatitis, polio, and dysentery are spreading rapidly due to the lack of clean water and medical supplies.

Dalkılıç also pointed out that Israel's actions are not confined to Gaza. The Israeli military has expanded its operations into Lebanon, targeting civilian areas in what Dalkılıç described as a systematic effort to destroy the region. "This attack on Lebanon will not be limited to Lebanon alone," he stated firmly. "Türkiye, Iran, Iraq, Jordan, and Egypt must realize that they are under the same threat of Israeli aggression."

The Failure of Global Institutions

A recurring theme throughout the rally was the failure of international institutions to address the ongoing crisis. Both Yaz and Dalkılıç harshly criticized the United Nations, the International Criminal Court (ICC), and other global bodies for their inability to hold Israel accountable for what they described as war crimes and genocide. Yaz expressed deep frustration with the global community, particularly Western nations, for turning a blind eye to the suffering of Palestinians.

"The United Nations, the International Criminal Court, and many other institutions have lost their function," Dalkılıç proclaimed, his voice rising with indignation. "They have failed to stop the atrocities committed by the Zionist regime, and their inaction only emboldens the oppressors." He called for the establishment of a regional intervention force to halt Israel's military operations and protect the people of Gaza and Lebanon.

A Unified Islamic Response: A Call for the 'Jerusalem Alliance'

Both speakers at the rally emphasized the need for unity within the Muslim world. Yaz and Dalkılıç urged Islamic nations to move beyond words and take tangible actions to support the Palestinian and Lebanese resistance movements. They called for the formation of a "Jerusalem Alliance," a coalition of Muslim nations that would work together to defend the rights of Palestinians and challenge Israeli occupation.

Dalkılıç highlighted the bravery of Hamas fighters and the Izz al-Din al-Qassam Brigades, who have continued to resist Israel despite overwhelming odds. "The resistance of Hamas and the Palestinian mujahideen is not just a battle for Gaza," Dalkılıç declared passionately. "It is a fight for the dignity of the entire Islamic Ummah. Their struggle is the shield that protects us all."

The rally concluded with a series of calls to action. The Prophet's Lovers Foundation urged the Muslim community to boycott products that support Israel, cease all forms of trade with the Israeli regime, and support international efforts to recognize the Palestinian state. They also demanded that Muslim countries provide military, logistical, and technological support to the Palestinian resistance and take concrete steps to end the Israeli occupation.

The Diyarbakır rally served as a powerful reminder of the deepening crisis in Gaza and Lebanon and the growing frustration among Muslims at the lack of decisive action from Islamic leaders and the global community. The Prophet's Lovers Foundation, through its impassioned speeches and press statements, made it clear that the time for symbolic gestures has passed. The suffering of the Palestinian people demands more than words—it requires concrete, unified action from the Muslim world.

As the humanitarian crisis in Gaza worsens and Israeli military operations expand into Lebanon, the calls for unity and resistance grow louder. The rally’s organizers and participants made it clear that they will not remain silent in the face of what they see as genocide and oppression. "By Allah," Yaz vowed, "we will not stop until justice is served, until the oppressors are held accountable, and until Gaza is free."

For many in attendance, the rally was not just a protest but a moment of moral reckoning—a recognition that history will judge the inaction of the present, just as it has judged past moments of silence in the face of injustice. "This is our test," Dalkılıç said, "and we will not fail." (ILKHA)