In his message, President Barzani extended congratulations to the leadership and members of the Union, as well as to all Islamic religious teachers in Kurdistan. He emphasized the importance of the Union, which was founded by the late Mustafa Barzani, and its ongoing role in supporting Kurdistan’s national identity and struggle.

“The establishment of the Union of Kurdistan Islamic Religious Scholars by the late Barzani reaffirmed the vital role and status of Islamic religious teachers in their contributions to the national struggle, as well as in preserving the authenticity, religious values, and culture of coexistence in Kurdish society,” Barzani said.

He also called on religious scholars to continue their influential work in fostering patriotism, unity, and human values, and to raise awareness among the people. The message underscored the enduring significance of the Islamic Scholars Union in promoting peace, harmony, and solidarity within Kurdistan’s diverse society.

Barzani’s remarks serve as a tribute to the Union’s historical and ongoing efforts to support the Kurdish national cause while fostering a spirit of coexistence across the region. (ILKHA)