Sinwar's letter, shared on HÜDA PAR’s X (formerly Twitter) account, came in response to Yapıcıoğlu's earlier note of condolences following the assassination of senior HAMAS leader Ismail Haniyeh.

“We received with great appreciation and pride your kind letter of congratulations and condolences for our Mujahideen Leader, the head of the Political Bureau of our movement, our martyr Ismail Haniyeh, the loss of the Ummah, and his comrade, the martyr Mujahid Wassim Abu Shaaban,” wrote Sinwar, stressing his gratitude for HÜDA PAR’s solidarity.

Sinwar highlighted the significance of Haniyeh’s sacrifice, stating: “Martyr Leader Ismail Haniyeh, a symbol of the Ummah and Palestine, achieved martyrdom on the path of martyred leaders in Operation Aqsa Flood, one of the historic and honorable struggles of the Palestinian people. This confirms that the blood of our leaders and mujahideen is not more precious than the blood of our people.”

He further emphasized that the bloodshed by Palestinian martyrs would only strengthen HAMAS’s resolve. "These pure martyrs' blood and the blessed caravan of martyrs will increase our resistance and strength against the Zionist Nazi occupiers. This struggle will continue until we cleanse and expel the occupiers from our lands and holy places.”

In a call for unity, Sinwar underscored the importance of collective resistance within the Palestinian community and the broader Muslim world. “The lofty principles advocated by the martyred leader Ismail Haniyeh will remain constant. Our movement and our mujahideen will continue to walk on these principles, including the unity of the Palestinian people on the option of jihad and resistance, and the unity of the Arab and Islamic Ummah.”

He concluded with a message of solidarity and gratitude toward Yapıcıoğlu and HÜDA PAR: “We ask Allah Almighty to protect you, your family, and your homeland in goodness, security, and stability.”

Sinwar’s letter reflects HAMAS’s resolve to maintain its ideological stance and intensify its resistance efforts, even in the face of escalating Israeli actions. His call for regional and global solidarity highlights HAMAS’s broader ambition to galvanize support across the Arab and Islamic world against Israeli expansion and occupation. (ILKHA)