The event, held on the occasion of Mawlid Night—the 12th night of Rabi al-Awwal according to the Hijri calendar—drew a large crowd to the Sümer Park area in Yenişehir district. Attendees gathered to honor the life and teachings of the Prophet Muhammad, showcasing the deep-rooted love and respect for the Prophet in the city of Diyarbakır and beyond.

Under the presentation of Selahattin Güler, the program began on a spiritual note with the recitation of the Holy Quran by Ömer Akgül, whose heartfelt delivery moved many in the audience. Following this, the Özlem Agency team performed the mawlid-i sharif, a traditional hymn that celebrates the Prophet’s birth. As the air filled with reverent melodies, poems in honor of the Prophet were also recited, further immersing the crowd in devotion.

One of the most anticipated moments of the evening came when Mullah Abdulkuddus Yalçın, a prominent scholar and member of the Board of Directors of ITTIHADUL ULEMA, took the stage to deliver his keynote speech. Yalçın addressed the crowd with passion and clarity, beginning with the significance of Prophet Muhammad’s mission. "The Prophet was not only sent as a mercy to the worlds," Yalçın declared, "but also as a leader of jihad. His life is a model of both compassion and strength."

Yalçın reminded attendees that following the Prophet's sunnah is essential for every Muslim. "Allah tells us in the Quran," he said, "‘If you really love Allah, follow me so that Allah will love you.’ This means that we must follow the Messenger of Allah in all aspects of our lives. He brought us the commands and prohibitions of Allah and lived them himself. If we do the same, Allah will love us." His words resonated deeply with the audience, many of whom nodded in agreement.

Drawing on the Prophet’s life in Medina, Yalçın described how the Prophet dealt with betrayal and sedition from the Jewish tribes. "The Jews of Banu Nadir, Banu Qurayza, Banu Qaynuqa, and Khaybar sought to undermine the Islamic state," he explained. "When Banu Nadir plotted to kill the Prophet, he punished them and expelled them. When Banu Qurayza betrayed the Muslims during the Battle of the Trench, the Prophet took decisive action." Yalçın’s recounting of these historical events emphasized the Prophet’s unwavering commitment to defending Islam against its enemies.

Yalçın also elaborated on the key qualities of the Prophet’s Companions. "The Quran describes them as 'fierce against the unbelievers and merciful among themselves.' This is an important characteristic of the Companions that we must emulate," he said. He continued, "They were not only warriors but also devout worshippers. Their foreheads bore the marks of prostration from their dedication to prayer. Today, we must ask ourselves—do we exhibit the same devotion?"

Abdulkuddus Yalçın

In a call to action, Yalçın urged the attendees to strengthen their commitment to worship and jihad. "It is not enough to work for the cause of Islam or to deliver messages of faith," he emphasized. "We must also worship sincerely and seek closeness to Allah. Without worship, jihad cannot be strong." His message struck a chord with many in the audience, some of whom were seen reflecting on their personal devotion and faith.

Addressing the current state of the Muslim world, Yalçın touched on the oppression faced by Muslims globally, particularly in Gaza, Yemen, Syria, and Afghanistan. "Why are Muslims being martyred in these lands?" Yalçın asked rhetorically. "It is because we have lost the unity of the Ummah, the character of an Ummah that follows the Prophet’s example. We have become attached to worldly luxuries, and as a result, kufr (disbelief) is able to crush us."

Yalçın's voice grew more impassioned as he delivered his final message. "If we wish to regain our dignity as an Ummah," he said, "we must do as the Prophet did. Just as he fought against the enemies of Islam, we must also fight against those who oppress us today. If we truly live Islam, if we gather in our mosques for every prayer, not just for Jummah (Friday prayers), then this is a form of jihad that will disturb the infidels."

In his closing remarks, Yalçın reminded the crowd of the true purpose of life. "Our creation is for worship and servitude to Allah," he said. "We cannot fully live the sunnah if we are deceived by the love of the world. The Prophet warned us about this, and we must take heed. If we live according to his example, we will achieve salvation in this life and the Hereafter."

The event concluded with a heartfelt prayer led by Mullah Nazım Şimşek. As he invoked blessings upon the attendees and prayed for the well-being of the Ummah, the audience responded in unison, their voices echoing across the park. The night ended with a series of hymns and qasida, leaving the participants spiritually uplifted and inspired by the legacy of the Prophet.

The Mawlid-i Nabi event not only honored the birth of the Prophet but also served as a powerful reminder of the importance of following his example in every aspect of life. Through direct speeches, recitations, and heartfelt prayers, the event reinforced the message that unity, worship, and devotion are the keys to overcoming the challenges facing the Islamic world today. (ILKHA)