The convoy had received prior coordination from the Israeli occupation forces (IOF) before it was struck yesterday, according to a statement issued by Hamas on Friday.

The attack resulted in the deaths of four individuals, who were confirmed by the relief organization as workers for the company transporting the aid. Despite this confirmation, the IOF has maintained that the victims were armed, a claim that Hamas has denounced as a false pretext to justify the targeting of relief workers.

Hamas asserted that the attack is part of a broader strategy to force humanitarian organizations to cease their activities in Gaza, accusing Israel of committing "genocide and ethnic cleansing" in the region for nearly 11 months.

The statement called on the international community and the United Nations to condemn the deliberate and repeated crime against the Palestinian people and humanitarian organizations. Hamas also urged the U.S. administration to stop providing cover for Israeli actions, including the targeting of the American relief organization operating in Gaza. (ILKHA)