The total number of paid employees rose to 15.6 million in June 2024, up from 15.08 million in June 2023. The increase was driven by significant gains in the construction and trade-services sectors, which saw annual growth rates of 8.8% and 4.4%, respectively. The industrial sector experienced a modest annual increase of 0.1%.

However, on a month-to-month basis, the number of paid employees decreased by 0.4% in June 2024 compared to May 2024. This monthly decline was observed across all three sub-sectors, with the industrial sector seeing a 0.8% decrease, the construction sector a 0.4% decrease, and the trade-services sector a slight 0.1% decrease.

The data reflects ongoing fluctuations in Türkiye's labor market, with year-on-year growth tempered by recent monthly declines. (ILKHA)