His remarks underscored the serious repercussions of this inaction, emphasizing that it affects not only the Palestinian people but the entire Islamic world.

Dinç's critique was not just limited to the geopolitical sphere; he also touched on the cultural and societal issues plaguing the Muslim world. He emphasized the need for strict regulations against platforms like Facebook, TikTok, and various online gaming sites, which he accused of promoting violence and perversion among children. Furthermore, he called for the oversight of street interviews, which he argued are often manipulated to create societal divisions and spread immorality through biased and misleading content.

Dinç's central message was clear: the inaction of regional regimes in the face of what he termed an "openly committed genocide" will not go unpunished. He warned that those who ignore the atrocities occurring in Palestine today will inevitably face similar attacks within their own borders tomorrow. This ominous prediction serves as a stark reminder of the interconnectedness of the Islamic world and the shared responsibility to stand against injustice, wherever it occurs.

One of the key points Dinç raised was the failure of the Organization of Islamic Cooperation (OIC) to take decisive action against the Israeli occupation regime. He expressed disappointment over the closing statement of the OIC Executive Committee of Foreign Ministers, which, while calling on the United Nations Security Council to pressure Israel into respecting international law, failed to deliver any concrete and deterrent decisions. “This inaction has emboldened the Israeli regime, allowing it to continue its inhumane crimes without fear of repercussions,” Dinç argued.

Dinç provided harrowing examples of these crimes, citing recent events at the so-called Sde Teiman detention center, which he compared to the notorious Guantanamo Bay and Abu Ghraib prisons. The Israeli occupation regime's blatant disregard for human rights, as evidenced by the sexual abuse of Palestinian captives and the public glorification of these heinous acts, underscores the need for immediate and decisive action. Yet, as Dinç pointed out, the Islamic world remains largely silent, with many of its leaders choosing to prioritize national interests over the moral imperative to defend the dignity of their fellow Muslims.

The broader implications of this silence were made clear by Dinç's chilling warning: the atrocities currently unfolding in Gaza could easily spread to other parts of the Islamic world if left unchecked. “The failure to act against the Israeli occupation regime today”, he argued, “will lead to dire consequences for the region as a whole. This is not just a matter of protecting the Palestinian people but of safeguarding the future of the entire Islamic world.”

Dinç's remarks serve as a powerful call to action for the global Muslim community. He urged Islamic nations to rise above their divisions and take a united stand against the Israeli occupation regime's crimes. “The time for empty rhetoric has passed; what is needed now are concrete, deterrent measures that send a clear message to the perpetrators of these atrocities: their actions will not be tolerated, and justice will be served,” he underlined.

In conclusion, Faruk Dinç's press conference was more than just a critique of the current state of affairs; it was a passionate plea for solidarity and action. His words remind us that the fight for justice in Palestine is not just a Palestinian struggle—it is a struggle for all Muslims and for all humanity. The inaction of Islamic nations today could very well lead to their own downfall tomorrow. It is time for the Muslim world to heed this warning and take the necessary steps to prevent further bloodshed and suffering. The future of the Islamic world depends on it. (ILKHA)