Pişgin was killed in a stabbing attack while performing the Asr prayer at the masjid of the HÜDA PAR Provincial Headquarters alongside the party's Provincial Chairman Salih Demir.

The commemoration ceremony was attended by Pişgin’s loved ones, friends, family, HÜDA PAR Provincial Chairman Salih Demir, and members of the organization. The event began with the recitation of the Holy Quran by HÜDA PAR Seyhan District Chairman Fethullah Beyazçiçek and Muaz Demir.

Speeches were delivered by Isa Emre and theologian Ramazan Erdem. Erdem emphasized the significance of martyrdom, describing it as a highly esteemed station, even desired by Prophets. He stated: “A martyr feels pain like a mosquito bite when he is martyred. Martyrs asked Allah to be martyred, to be resurrected, and to be martyred again. They experience such a moment of joy that they want to share the blessings of Allah with those left behind. They are not dead; they are in a life beyond our consciousness.”

Erdem highlighted the unique concept of attaining immortality through death in Islam, stating: “In no religion other than Islam, there is no gaining immortality through death. Martyrs are witnesses to this religion and to what one should die for. We often get caught up in the glamour of life, even though we have a cause. Alhamdulillah, we belong to the same cause as the martyr, but sometimes we fall into heedlessness.”

He continued: “These martyrs remind us to stay vigilant and committed to our cause. They are witnesses to our cause and our dedication. Every time we fall into heedlessness, Allah makes martyrs among us. They fulfilled their covenant. Now, it is our duty as those left behind to keep our promise and live like martyrs, so that Allah may take us as martyrs. Even if we die in our beds, we will be treated as martyrs like Khalid bin Walid.”

The ceremony concluded with a prayer led by Fethullah Beyazçiçek, marking the end of the commemoration program. (ILKHA)