Themed "Fair Governance System, Equitable Sharing," the event centered on leadership elections and strategic planning to promote fairness and shared prosperity.

The venue was adorned with vibrant green, yellow, and white party flags, and banners in Kurdish and Turkish proclaimed the party's commitment to justice and equality with slogans like "Priority to Human, Priority to Justice" and "Adil Sistem Hakça Paylaşım (Fair Governance System, Equitable Sharing)."

Poignant tributes were paid to martyrs, including Yasin Börü and his comrades killed in 2014, with their portraits displayed alongside influential figures like Sheikh Said-i Palevî and Mehmet Akif Ersoy, underscoring the party's ideological roots and historical context.

Speaking at the congress, HÜDA PAR MP Serkan Ramanlı emphasized the importance of alliance, unity, and brotherhood. "There is strength in alliance, life in unity, happiness in brotherhood, and safety in government," he said. Ramanlı highlighted HÜDA PAR's growth and the party’s role in representing the nation in Parliament. "Today, we represent our nation in the Parliament, and the burden of our people is on our shoulders," he stated.

He expressed gratitude for the party’s progress, stating: "Praise be to Allah, after difficult and laborious times, the seeds we planted have started to sprout day by day. They grew, they blossomed, and now they are flowering. Today, the fragrance of these flowers is spreading throughout the country and cities."

Ramanlı expressed optimism about the party's future, noting that HÜDA PAR is growing day by day. "Those who did not expect this seed to sprout and grow are now watching in admiration. Those who did not expect the branches of the tree of our cause to sprout and grow are astonished today. We know that all growth and flowering, all progress and development, are by the permission of Allah, the Lord of all worlds. Let everyone know that, like diligent farmers, our work will continue. From east to west, from south to north, we will turn our deserts into forests and our steppes into rose gardens."

He emphasized the significance of HÜDA PAR's representation in Parliament, saying, "One day, all burdens and representations, the responsibility of our nation, will be on us. Then everyone will see how delicious and beneficial the fruits on the branches of the HÜDA PAR tree are. Those who are still not hopeful and optimistic about HÜDA PAR after so many lessons and stages will regret it."

Ramanlı stressed the party’s commitment to justice and brotherhood, highlighting the need for unity among the Kurdish people and all of Türkiye. "For over a century, ignorance, poverty, and conflicts have bent our backs," he said, quoting Bediüzzaman Said-i Kürdi. "We have understood that there is strength in alliance, life in unity, happiness in brotherhood, and safety in government. We will keep the bond of unity and love strong because this is the only solution. We will achieve the perfection of religion and state, acquire knowledge and wisdom, and thus free ourselves from the lamentations of Ahmedê Xanî."

He underscored the importance of unity, stating, "Without unity, we cannot open our hearts to each other. As our Prophet (peace be upon him) said; the key to hearts and souls is to show love. Our crown is Islam. It commands us justice and brotherhood, love, and affection. Our essence and humanity also demand this from us."

Looking ahead, Ramanlı underscored the party's responsibilities and goals. "To uphold the rights and justice of our nation, to work for the protection of the Kurdish language in education and official services, the identity of the Kurdish people, and all other people is a burden on our shoulders. This nation is our nation. We are connected to each other with Islam and we cannot be separated, we cannot be divided."

He highlighted the party’s commitment to protecting the Kurdish language and identity, stating, "To uphold the rights and justice of our nation, to work for the protection of the Kurdish language in education and official services, the identity of the Kurdish people, and all other people is a burden on our shoulders. Pursuing the cause of justice in courts, crime and economy, schools and hospitals, the livelihood and management of the poor and needy, the work of women, youth, and the elderly, and municipal services is our profession and duty."

Ramanlı called for continued effort and dedication, invoking the legacy of those who have sacrificed for the party’s cause. "Many of our brothers have not refrained from this great duty and responsibility. Within their means and capabilities, they gave their lives on this path and left us a valuable and precious legacy. On this occasion, I remember those dear ones with mercy and respect. We are not just saying 'this time,' we are saying, like them, 'Always HÜDA PAR.'"

"We must make ourselves loved by our nation so that they see us with their own eyes and hear us with their own ears," Ramanlı said. "Then they will be able to distinguish friends from foes. Our peace and comfort, our success and progress are possible with justice. Justice is possible with brotherhood, and brotherhood with love and affection. Love and affection are like sun rays, they melt the ice of hatred and jealousy. This is why the soldiers of hatred and jealousy cry out in agony because of love. As mercy and love spread among the people, the world narrows for them. Their voices become heard from the deserts and mountains."

Ramanlı concluded his speech by reaffirming the party's commitment to their cause, saying: "Our path is clear, and no one can block it, God willing. But let us expect this from each other. No matter how and what they are, let us not deprive our people and nation of our justice, mercy, love, care, and affection." He called on all members and supporters to join in their efforts, emphasizing, "Come! This is your place. HÜDA PAR is your home. Do not deprive your home of yourself. Come, stand shoulder to shoulder with your brothers." (ILKHA)