Hope Caravan fulfilled hundreds of sacrificial animal proxies (qurban wakalah) and distributed the meat to the people in Gaza.

In addition to sacrificial meat, the organization also distributed festive clothing for children, hot meals, vegetables, fruits, clean water, and hygiene kits.

In an interview with Ilke News Agency (ILKHA), Cengiz Kurtaran, head of the Hope Caravan Foundation, described their mission to aid Palestinians in Gaza during Eid al-Adha. "Our goal," he said, "was to offer some comfort and celebration to our Palestinian brothers and sisters facing hardship under Israeli occupation. We achieved this by fulfilling hundreds of sacrificial animal donations (qurban wakalah) and distributing the meat alongside other vital supplies."

Kurtaran also thanked its donors for their support and pledged to continue its aid activities in the region.

Hope Caravan remains steadfast in its mission to alleviate suffering and support the Palestinian community in Gaza amid ongoing humanitarian crises. (ILKHA)