The speech, broadcast via Al-Manar, marked Nasrallah's most assertive rhetoric since the conflict began in October.

Addressing a memorial for senior commander Talib Abdallah (Abu Talib), who was killed in an Israeli strike last week, Nasrallah stated that Hezbollah would engage in warfare with "no rules and no red lines" if war is imposed on Lebanon.

Nasrallah emphasized that Hezbollah is prepared for the worst, warning that no place in Israel would be spared from their missiles and drones. He asserted that the Israeli enemy would face resistance on land, sea, and air.

Nasrallah reiterated Hezbollah's full support for Gaza, demanding a complete and permanent ceasefire. He praised the Palestinian resistance for their steadfastness against Israel.

For the first time, Nasrallah threatened Cyprus, stating that if Cypriot airports are used by Israel to launch attacks on Lebanon, Cyprus would be considered part of the conflict.

Nasrallah highlighted Hezbollah's extensive human and military resources, claiming over 100,000 fighters are ready to join the battle, and emphasizing an ample supply of weaponry, including drones.

Nasrallah criticized Israel's military actions, accusing it of hiding losses on the northern front with Lebanon and failing in its operations in Gaza.

He linked the current conflict to a broader historical struggle, describing the ongoing battle as the greatest faced by the Ummah (Islamic nation) since 1948, and predicting that it would reshape the region.

The speech follows heightened tensions and increased military activity in the region. Hezbollah has been involved in multiple skirmishes with Israeli forces along the Lebanon-Israel border.

The escalation has drawn international concern, with calls for de-escalation and adherence to international norms regarding military engagements.

The memorial for Talib Abdallah, a senior Hezbollah commander martyred in an Israeli strike, served as the backdrop for Nasrallah's fiery address. Nasrallah praised Abdallah's dedication and the broader culture of martyrdom within Hezbollah.

Nasrallah's speech underscores the volatile situation in the region and the potential for further escalation. The international community continues to watch closely as the conflict evolves. (ILKHA)