Nearly 80 countries participated, sending a strong message of international backing for Ukraine. However, the absence of Russia and some key developing nations casts a shadow on the possibility of immediate progress.

The summit culminated in a joint communique, a powerful symbol of international solidarity.  This document declared that any peace deal must be built upon the principle of Ukraine's territorial integrity. This signifies a significant win for Ukraine, as it pushes back against Russia's attempts to legitimize its territorial claims.

However, the communique also revealed limitations. While nearly 80 countries endorsed the statement, some influential developing nations were absent from the list of signatories. This raises concerns about the ability to translate this international support into concrete action to pressure Russia towards a settlement.

Beyond territorial integrity, the communique addressed other critical issues stemming from the war. It emphasized the urgent need to ensure the safety and security of Ukrainian nuclear facilities, particularly the Zaporizhzhia Nuclear Power Plant. The specter of a nuclear accident has loomed large throughout the conflict, and the communique underscores the international community's deep anxieties.

The document also highlighted the global food crisis exacerbated by the war. It called for the uninterrupted production and transportation of food products from Ukraine, a critical breadbasket for many nations. Free access to Black Sea ports is seen as essential for ensuring food security around the world.

The plight of civilians caught in the crossfire was not forgotten. The communique demanded the release of prisoners of war and the return of deported Ukrainian children, along with all other unlawfully detained civilians. This represents a crucial step towards alleviating the immense human suffering caused by the conflict.

Despite the limitations, the summit served as a vital platform for international dialogue on the path towards peace. The communique expresses a shared vision for ending the war and outlines key areas for future engagement. The hope remains that these discussions can pave the way for a more inclusive peace process involving all parties to the conflict, ultimately leading to a comprehensive, just, and lasting peace for Ukraine. (ILKHA)