The event began with the recitation of the Holy Quran by Ammar Zeren, setting a spiritual tone for the evening. A slideshow provided entertainment, followed by a performance of beautiful hymns and melodies by Özlem Agency voice artists. To engage the audience, a quiz was organized after the Isha prayer.

HÜDA PAR Diyarbakır Provincial Vice President Yahya Oğraş addressed the attendees, highlighting the party's commitment to activities that align with the community's values and religious beliefs. He took the opportunity to acknowledge Diyarbakır's rich history as a land nurtured by prophets, Companions of the Prophet, and martyrs who sacrificed themselves for Islam.

Oğraş emphasized the importance of shared spaces, urging everyone to treat public areas like parks, streets, and markets with respect and understanding. He stressed the need for mutual respect and honor to create a harmonious environment within the city.

His speech also touched upon the role of HÜDA PAR. Oğraş declared the party as the voice, symbol, and representative of the society. He vowed that HÜDA PAR would resolutely oppose any attempts to tarnish its reputation or hinder its mission of clean politics and social services focused on the people's well-being.

Oğraş expressed his belief in the youth as the driving force behind good deeds and a shield against negative influences. He emphasized their potential role in safeguarding the city from external manipulation.

He elaborated on Diyarbakır's past, highlighting a history of tolerance where people of different faiths like Christians, Jews, Armenians, and Muslims coexisted peacefully. He lamented the erosion of this culture and blamed external forces for the disruptions.

Oğraş acknowledged past attempts by Zionist forces to exert influence in the region but asserted their ultimate failure. He expressed his confidence in HÜDA PAR's ability to protect the city's Islamic identity and social fabric.

His speech concluded with a strong message directed at those with opposing political agendas. Oğraş warned them against exploiting HÜDA PAR or manipulating the Muslim community of Diyarbakır for their own gains. He emphasized the importance of respecting the city's traditions and culture.

Oğraş urged social media users to be cautious and avoid getting caught up in online games. He advocated for using social media as a tool to defend Islamic values when necessary.

The program culminated in a prayer, solidifying the event's focus on religious values and community spirit. The event's success signifies HÜDA PAR's commitment to social outreach and its dedication to serving the people of Diyarbakır. (ILKHA)