Speaking during a press conference at the Grand National Assembly of Türkiye, Yapıcıoğlu emphasized the importance of taking concrete steps in line with the resolutions of the Turkish Grand National Assembly.

Yapıcıoğlu opened his remarks by addressing the severe humanitarian crisis in Gaza and Palestine, citing the atrocities committed by israeli forces. "There are more than 100 martyrs in the last 24 hours. Together with those under the rubble, the number of martyrs has reached almost 50,000," he stated. He highlighted the global outrage against these acts, noting that human conscience is rebelling against the oppression. He pointed out the growing number of countries recognizing Palestine as a state and supporting judicial actions against genocide perpetrators, citing the judicial process initiated by the Republic of South Africa as an example.

The Chairman underscored Türkiye's obligations under the Genocide Convention, which it ratified in 1950. He detailed key provisions of the convention, emphasizing that Türkiye, as a signatory, has committed to preventing and punishing genocide. Yapıcıoğlu explained Article 1, titled 'Duty to Prevent and Punish,' which asserts that genocide is a crime under international law, and Article 5, titled 'Implementing Legislation,' which mandates that signatory states enact necessary legislation to enforce the convention’s provisions.

Yapıcıoğlu recalled recent resolutions by the Turkish Grand National Assembly condemning the genocides in Gaza. He mentioned the Assembly's joint statement issued 10 days after the Aqsa Flood on October 7, 2023, which condemned the bombing of hospitals and the massacre of hundreds of people within minutes. The statement urged world parliaments, the international community, and organizations to take a stance and initiative to stop these atrocities. He also referenced a resolution adopted on May 29, which asserted, "It is the duty of every individual and every country that values human rights not to remain silent against these massacres and crimes against humanity." The resolution declared Türkiye's unified stance to stop Israel and ensure a ceasefire, committing to continuous efforts to hold the perpetrators accountable.

In his call to action, Yapıcıoğlu urged all political parties and MPs to take decisive measures. "Everyone should do their part to ensure that the perpetrators of the massacre there are sentenced to the punishment they deserve," he stated. He criticized the lack of concrete actions taken thus far, emphasizing that political parties and non-governmental organizations often make calls for action but rarely follow through. Yapıcıoğlu highlighted HÜDA PAR's proactive approach, mentioning the legislative proposal they submitted on December 27, 2023, aimed at amending laws to ensure the punishment of those involved in genocide.

He called for cross-party support for the proposal, stating: "We demand that all MPs, regardless of party affiliation, support our proposal. We have delivered this law proposal to all six political party groups in the parliament and to the majority of the 15 parties represented. We will also send this law proposal to the e-mails of all MPs one by one." Yapıcıoğlu expressed openness to negotiating and preparing a joint text, stressing the importance of passing this bill with unanimous support from the Parliament.

Yapıcıoğlu concluded his address with a firm commitment to continue supporting the Palestinian people and striving for justice against genocidal acts. He underscored the importance of legislative action in fulfilling Türkiye's international and moral obligations, stating: "We will continue to do everything we can to ensure that the genocidal murderers get the punishment they deserve." (ILKHA)