In the wake of the allegations, three high-ranking police officers, including the deputy police chief of Ankara, were suspended as part of an investigation into the alleged plot targeting government officials and politicians. Media reports suggested that these individuals sought to entrap prominent figures in a corruption probe using a secret eyewitness, drawing comparisons to tactics employed by the Gülenist Terror Group (FETÖ) in the past.

Yerlikaya took to social media to assert that they would thwart any plots or traps targeting the president, government, and politicians, employing strategies similar to those used by FETÖ and involving collaboration with terrorist groups and criminal gangs.

The alleged plot came to light when the supposed secret eyewitness was exposed as a suspected member of a criminal gang led by Ayhan Bora Kaplan, who was arrested last year. It was reported that police officers intended to use such eyewitnesses to implicate individuals close to the government and its main ally, the Nationalist Movement Party (MHP).

Highlighting the Interior Ministry's successes in combating gangs, organized crime, and espionage networks, Minister Yerlikaya affirmed their commitment to cracking down on those attempting to disrupt their efforts against crime, particularly through the use of "secret eyewitness tactics" reminiscent of FETÖ's methods.

"We will uncover networks targeting our president, government, and politicians wherever they may be hiding and bring them to justice," declared Yerlikaya.

The Interior Minister also announced that the ministry's inspectors are nearing completion of their report on the case, which will be shared with the public to ensure transparency in the investigation process. (ILKHA)