In a press release issued on Friday, Hamas condemned these actions, stating that they would only serve to bolster the determination of the prisoners and incite further resistance against the Israeli occupation.

The statement specifically pointed to the reported mistreatment and torture of prominent Palestinian leader Ibrahim Hamed, suggesting that such actions were part of a deliberate policy of aggression by the Israeli government against Palestinian prisoners.

The Palestinian Prisoners Society and the Prisoners and Ex-Prisoners Affairs Authority held Israeli prisons accountable for the well-being of Ibrahim Hamed, citing disturbing testimonies of torture and abuse. They emphasized the urgent need for intervention to ensure Hamed's safety and well-being.

The statement highlighted the grim conditions faced by Palestinian prisoners, with at least 18 reported deaths and ongoing reports of brutality since the recent conflict began. A released prisoner provided harrowing testimony detailing the severe injuries sustained by Ibrahim Hamed after an alleged assault in Gilboa prison, underscoring the urgent need for action to save his life.

Born in 1965, Ibrahim Hamed has a long history of resistance against the Israeli occupation and has been sentenced to 54 life sentences. Hamas called on international organizations to address the dire situation facing Palestinian prisoners and urged Palestinians to escalate their resistance efforts in solidarity with the detainees.

Hamas warned the Israeli government of the consequences of its actions and held it fully responsible for the well-being and safety of all Palestinian prisoners in its custody.

The condemnation by Hamas sheds light on the ongoing human rights violations in Israeli prisons and underscores the urgent need for international intervention to address the plight of Palestinian detainees. (ILKHA)