According to the latest data released by the NCDC, Nigeria has seen a staggering 857 confirmed cases of Lassa fever and 156 fatalities from January to 28 April, spread across 28 states.

This surge in cases underscores the urgent need for intensified efforts to contain the outbreak and minimize its impact on public health.

The NCDC's latest situation report on Lassa fever reveals a case fatality rate (CFR) of 18.2 per cent during this period, surpassing the CFR of 17.0 per cent recorded in the same timeframe last year.

In the report covering week 17 from 22-28 April, there has been a noticeable escalation in confirmed cases, with the number rising from 11 in the previous week to 14.

The NCDC's findings highlight the severity of the situation and the pressing need for enhanced measures to combat the spread of Lassa fever and protect the health and well-being of the Nigerian population. (ILKHA)