Speaking to NBC, McCain emphasized the devastating impact of conflicts on vulnerable populations, highlighting the acute humanitarian crisis unfolding amidst ongoing hostilities.

McCain's assessment paints a grim picture of the situation in northern Gaza, where severe food shortages and food insecurity have reached critical levels. She underscored the urgent need for essential resources such as water, sanitation, and medicine to address the escalating humanitarian needs of the population.

Furthermore, McCain raised alarm over the looming threat of mass starvation spreading southward, as the majority of Gaza's population seeks refuge from the violence. The dire humanitarian situation has already claimed the lives of children due to starvation-related complications, as reported by Human Rights Watch.

Accusations of Israel utilizing starvation as a "weapon of war," deemed a war crime under international law, have intensified international condemnation. EU foreign policy chief Josep Borrell echoed similar concerns in March, accusing Israel of "provoking famine" through its actions.

The WFP director's sobering assessment sheds light on the gravity of the humanitarian crisis unfolding in Gaza, underscoring the urgent need for immediate intervention to alleviate suffering and prevent further loss of life.

As the international community grapples with the complexities of the conflict, the plight of civilians in Gaza remains a pressing concern, demanding concerted efforts to address their urgent needs and ensure their protection amidst the ongoing turmoil. (ILKHA)