Speaking on the sidelines of the OIC summit, Amirabdollahian emphasized the global efforts and public pressure exerted on the Israeli regime to address the ongoing crisis in Gaza.

The summit primarily focused on sustainable development initiatives in Islamic countries and the urgent need for a cessation of hostilities in Gaza.

Amirabdollahian expressed optimism that concerted international efforts would lead to the fulfillment of Palestinian rights and pave the way for ending the war and genocide in Gaza.

He underscored the importance of creating conditions for delivering humanitarian aid to Gaza and facilitating the return of Gazans to their homes.

Additionally, the OIC meeting showed support for South Africa's initiative to file a complaint with the International Court of Justice against Israel's actions in Gaza.

Amirabdollahian also highlighted the agreements reached in Banjul to enhance coordination among all stakeholders in resolving the ongoing regional crisis. (ILKHA)