In a resolute stand against the unbridled aggression of the Israeli occupation regime, the foundation convened the rally in Kayapınar district to draw attention to the plight of the Palestinian people and galvanize support for their cause.

Yakup Kaya, a member of the Foundation's Board of Directors, delivered a poignant address outside the Demirok Mosque in the Kayapınar district, invoking verses from the Quran to underscore the urgency of the situation and to invoke divine mercy upon the innocent victims of the conflict. "Our Lord, take us out of this country whose people are oppressors, send us a guardian from your Presence," Kaya began, his voice resolute. "Salute to the heroic sons of the resistance. Greetings to the grandchildren of Saladin-i Ayyubi and Abdulhamid Khan," he continued, his words imbued with reverence for those who had laid down their lives for their homeland.

With unwavering resolve, Kaya condemned the wanton brutality unleashed by the Israeli occupation regime, which had besieged Gaza for over 210 days. "The world states continue to be silent against the brutal attacks aimed at erasing a people from the map," he declared, his voice tinged with indignation. "Zionist gangs, who commit genocide by attacking settlements with a massacre that is rare in history, attack babies in swaddling and piri mortals with bent waist," he added.

Kaya urged all nations, particularly Turkey, to rise to the occasion and stand in solidarity with the Palestinian people. "Concrete steps must be taken against Zionist brutality before it is too late," he implored, his voice rising with conviction. "The developments in the short, medium, and long term make it necessary to take serious steps towards the withdrawal of the Zionists from the places they occupy in Gaza," he asserted.

Kaya demanded an investigation into the war crimes committed by Israel and a halt to the destruction of Palestinian agricultural lands and water resources.

Kaya outlined a series of demands aimed at alleviating the suffering of the Palestinian people and restoring their fundamental rights. "We demand a permanent ceasefire, the reconstruction of Gaza's shattered infrastructure, and accountability for war crimes," he declared, his voice ringing out across the crowd. "The Prophet’s Lovers Foundation reaffirms its unwavering commitment to the Palestinian cause," he concluded, his words met with resounding applause.

Kaya's impassioned speech reverberated throughout the gathering, stirring hearts and igniting a sense of urgency among the attendees. As the sun set over Diyarbakır, the resolve of the protesters remained unshakeable, their voices united in a chorus of solidarity and defiance against oppression.

In the days that followed, the Foundation intensified its advocacy efforts, mobilizing grassroots support and amplifying the voices of the Palestinian people on the global stage. Through social media campaigns, public demonstrations, and diplomatic outreach, the Foundation sought to garner international attention and spur action to end the humanitarian crisis in Gaza.

In response to mounting pressure from civil society groups and concerned citizens worldwide, governments began to reassess their stance on the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, with many expressing solidarity with the Palestinian cause and calling for an immediate cessation of hostilities.

As the world watched with bated breath, diplomatic efforts to broker a ceasefire gained momentum, offering a glimmer of hope for the embattled residents of Gaza. Yet, amidst the flurry of negotiations and diplomatic maneuvering, the Prophet’s Lovers Foundation remained steadfast in its commitment to justice, vowing to continue its advocacy until the Palestinian people achieved their inherent right to freedom and self-determination. (ILKHA)