Gümüş offered Eid greetings to various groups including families of martyrs, prisoners, migrants, and those serving the Muslim community.  A significant portion of the message addressed the ongoing Israeli genocide in Gaza.  Gümüş expressed strong support for Palestinians, particularly those defending Masjid al-Aqsa, and condemned the brutal actions of the Israeli government.  He called for continued support through various means including raising awareness, boycotting Israeli products, and donating to aid efforts.

Gümüş emphasized the importance of Muslim unity as a solution to many problems.  He criticized nationalism and racism within the Muslim world (ummah) and called for parents to raise children with a strong sense of Muslim community.

Gümüş reminded believers of their duty to guide others towards Islam and discourage evil.  He urged Muslims to continue charitable giving throughout the year, particularly to those in need such as the people of Gaza.

Gümüş encouraged Muslims to celebrate Eid al-Fitr with family and friends while embracing positive cultural traditions that do not contradict Islamic principles.  He emphasized the importance of staying connected to family and neighbors and being involved in the community.

Gümüş closed his message with well wishes for a future where believers experience both honor and success.

The full text of the message is as follows;

In the Name of Allah, the Most Beneficent, the Most Merciful

“Surely for Muslim men and women, believing men and women,1 devout men and women, truthful men and women, patient men and women, humble men and women, charitable men and women, fasting men and women, men and women who guard their chastity, and men and women who remember Allah often—for all of them Allah has prepared forgiveness and a great reward.” (Surah Al-Ahzab Ayat 35)

“Whoever fasted the month of Ramadan out of sincere Faith (i.e. belief) and hoping for a reward from Allah, then all his past sins will be forgiven.” (Sahih al-Bukhari)

After a month of fasting, praying, and reading the Holy Quran, we will celebrate Eid al-Fitr, the Festival of Breaking the Fast, inshallah (God willing). First of all, I extend my congratulations to the families of martyrs, including their parents, spouses, children, and siblings; to our brothers and sisters who have been imprisoned due to their Islamic activities, and to their precious families; to our migrant brothers and sisters and their families who have been separated from their parents, siblings, and children for years. I pray that Allah (SWT) will make their trials easier, turn their difficulties into ease, and grant them happiness in this worldly life and the hereafter.

I congratulate all my brothers and sisters, young and old, men and women, who have dedicated their lives to serving Islam, working in various fields to meet the material and spiritual needs of the community, and striving to beautify both the worldly life and the hereafter for people. I pray to our Lord to increase their determination and effort, to grant them health and well-being to serve better, to bless their time with abundance, and to bestow peace and prosperity upon their homes.

May the Ramadan Feast be blessed for all the Islamic world. May our Lord accept the obedience and worship of every individual of the Ummah of Muhammad. May He grant strength of faith and health of body. By establishing unity among them, may He bestow upon them power, strength, and dignity.

We must never forget our brothers and sisters who tirelessly defend the dignity and honor of the ummah by struggling for Masjid al-Aqsa on behalf of all Muslims. Their homes lie in ruins, bombs rain down upon them, they face gunfire, and endure hunger and thirst. The civilian population in Gaza is caught in a dire catastrophe—words cannot adequately describe their suffering. External aid remains insufficient. However, amidst these challenges, the spirit of jihad persists with unwavering determination and high morale, alhamdulillah. The Mujahideen strike blows against the Zionists, catching them off guard. The zionist forces conceal their losses. Praise be to Allah that, thus far, the zionists have not achieved their goals, and, Inshallah, they will not succeed.

Gaza, Jerusalem, and Masjid al-Aqsa should forever remain in our hearts, minds, and prayers. We will continue to offer unwavering support to our brothers and sisters across all domains, by the grace of Allah. From the confines of our homes, we shall persistently raise awareness about the struggle for Jerusalem and Masjid al-Aqsa. Let us steadfastly boycott products associated with zionist regime. Engage wholeheartedly in marches, meetings, events, and aid initiatives aimed at fostering consciousness about the 'Jerusalem and Masjid al-Aqsa' cause, fortifying our commitment to this noble jihad. We shall protest and obstruct those who align with the oppressive zionist regime, while standing by those who champion the interests of the Palestinian people. Muslim nations must urge their leaders to stand in solidarity with the Palestinian struggle. God willing, you will also demonstrate this determination in this matter.

As we have consistently emphasized, do not cease your charitable donations before Ramadan, especially during Ramadan itself. Increase your acts of zakat, fitr, charity, and donations to seek the pleasure of our Lord. Continue supporting our Gazan brothers and sisters, as well as other oppressed and needy individuals. Remember the significance of engaging in financial jihad. Encourage one another and the community to extend financial support, addressing the essential needs of our fellow brothers in need.

Gaining the consciousness of being a unified ummah is our primary need for the solution of many problems, both material and spiritual. Being an ummah and fulfilling its requirements is the command of our Lord. The concept of ummah accepts all nations without discrimination based on color, race, or language; it embraces the richness of each nation's characteristics and considers them as "signs of Allah," accommodating them within its framework. The path to dignity lies in the path of the ummah. Superiority in Islam is based on piety, as explained in Surah Al-Hujurat, Verse 13. However, due to the widespread prevalence of nationalism and racism within the ummah for a long time, unfortunately, we have become fragmented, divided, and weakened. Therefore, first and foremost, we must grasp the consciousness of the ummah well and instill it in the entire community. Parents, you must raise your children with this consciousness. You should not allow your children to fall into the trap of racial and ethnic prejudices. Dear brothers and sisters! Our most evident and beautiful characteristic of the ummah concept should never be tarnished, and you should always maintain this noble attribute.

Guiding others towards Allah and discouraging evil are paramount duties for believers. We must strive to distance them from the temptations of the self, Satan, and negative influences, ensuring their happiness in this life and the hereafter. Every effort should be made to fulfill this responsibility in all situations. Reaching young people is particularly important, and everyone should begin with their own children. Nurture your children's faith with gentle conversation and Islamic values. Guide them with patience and compassion, fostering their growth through visits to mosques, community centers, and charitable events. Engage their curiosity with educational seminars, showing them the beauty of Islam in action. Use your children's friendships as a springboard to build connections with their peers and families. Encourage them to share their love for Islam with others, creating a welcoming environment. Remember, one-on-one interaction is key. Set a positive example and demonstrate the warmth of the Muslim community.

Stay connected to your family and neighbors. Care about their problems and celebrate their joys and sorrows. Don't isolate yourself from your community – be present and involved in their lives. Every group, from families to entire regions, has its own traditions. As long as these customs don't contradict Islamic principles, embrace them! Don't be afraid to participate – learn and share with others. By being part of your community, you can share your values and everyone can benefit.

With these heartfelt wishes, I once again extend my congratulations on Eid al-Fitr. May Allah, the Lord of the Worlds, grant us future celebrations where believers find both honor and success. (ILKHA)