Çaplık acknowledged the bittersweet nature of Eid al-Fitr. "We celebrate the culmination of Ramadan, a month of spiritual growth and generosity," he said. "However, our joy is tempered by the ongoing persecution of our Muslim brothers and sisters in occupied territories, particularly Jerusalem and Al-Aqsa Mosque."

He emphasized the importance of Eid as a time for Muslims to reflect on their faith, engage in charitable acts, and strengthen ties within the Islamic Ummah.

The statement reserved strong criticism for the inaction of Muslim leaders in the face of oppression. Çaplık condemned their "shortsightedness, irresponsibility, cowardice," and turning a blind eye to the suffering of fellow Muslims. "The rulers of Islamic lands have displayed a troubling lack of leadership," he stated. "Their actions, or lack thereof, only serve to deepen the problems we face and embolden those who seek to harm us."

Despite the current hardships, Çaplık expressed a hopeful outlook. "The honorable sons of the Ummah are more determined than ever," he declared. "We will cut the impure hands of kufr (disbelief) at the root and neutralize their dastardly projects."

He emphasized that this "honorable determination" will be bolstered by the spirit of Eid, urging Muslims to re-establish brotherhood and unity, mirroring the historic bond between the Ansar and Muhajir (residents of Medina and Prophet Muhammad's companions who migrated there).

The Prophet’s Lovers Foundation views Eid as a potential turning point. Çaplık stressed their belief that the Islamic Ummah's salvation lies in adhering to the true path of Islam. "Our main goal," he explained, "is to nourish and grow this blessed line with Ramadan fasting, Quranic contemplation and holiday consciousness."

The statement concluded with a prayer to Allah (God) for the Islamic Ummah's enduring spiritual awakening and a plea for Eid to serve as a catalyst for the Islamic world's revival. "May this Eid be instrumental in the awakening and resurrection of the Islamic Ummah against the oppressors," Çaplık concluded.

The comprehensive Eid al-Fitr message delivered by Kenan Çaplık encapsulates the dual sentiments of joy and concern prevailing within the Muslim community, highlighting the importance of unity, solidarity, and collective action in addressing the challenges faced by Muslims worldwide. (ILKHA)