In an official statement, the Senegalese government announced that "Prime Minister Ousmane Sonko revealed the list of members of his government, which includes 25 ministers and five secretaries of state."

The newly formed Senegalese cabinet notably includes four female members. Among the key appointments, Yassine Fall has been designated as the Minister of African Integration and Foreign Affairs, while Gen. Birame Diop assumes the role of Defense Minister. Other notable appointments include Ousmane Diagne as Justice Minister, Gen. Jean-Baptiste Tine as Interior Minister, and Birame Souleye Diop as head of the Energy Ministry, as per the official statement.

The swearing-in ceremony for Senegal's youngest president, Bassirou Diomaye Faye, took place on Wednesday in Dakar, the nation's capital. The 44-year-old opposition leader appointed his close associate, Sonko, as the new Prime Minister.

Faye secured over 54% of the vote in the presidential election held on March 24, overcoming attempts by the previous government, led by then-President Macky Sall, to postpone the election. Prior to his election, President Faye faced legal challenges, spending much of 2023 under investigation for defamation and contempt of court. He was released from detention just 10 days before the election.

Formerly a tax inspector, Faye previously held the position of secretary-general within the African Patriots of Senegal for Work, Ethics, and Fraternity party, headed by Sonko. However, the party was dissolved by Senegal's authorities in July, accused of inciting insurrectionist movements. Due to the legal charges against him, Sonko was disqualified from participating in the 2024 presidential race. (ILKHA)