Nabil Abu Abed, aged 13, tragically lost his life after sustaining serious injuries from live bullets fired by zionist forces during the incursion. Fawaz Hammad, the director of Al-Razi Hospital in Jenin, confirmed the devastating news.

Zionist occupation forces conducted a dawn raid into the town, deploying military vehicles throughout the streets and neighborhoods. Snipers were positioned on rooftops, intensifying the atmosphere of tension.

Confrontations erupted between Palestinian residents and Israeli forces during the incursion, leading to further casualties. Israeli troops fired heavy gunfire, critically injuring one young man.

Israeli forces conducted house-to-house searches, resulting in the arrest of a Palestinian father and his son. Several houses were ransacked, causing damage to property and belongings.

Ambulance vehicles were prevented from reaching the town by Israeli forces, hindering the transportation of the wounded to hospitals for urgent medical treatment.

The tragic loss of life and injuries underscore the ongoing tensions and violence in the region, as Palestinian communities continue to face the harsh realities of military occupation. The incident highlights the urgent need for international attention and intervention to address the escalating israeli brutality in Jenin and other Palestinian territories. (ILKHA)