Thousands of concerned citizens, unified in their solidarity with the oppressed Palestinians, convened to voice their outrage against the relentless atrocities committed by Zionist forces in Gaza.

Ramazan Tekdemir, the President of Memur-Sen Diyarbakır Province, delivered a poignant speech that resonated with the crowd. He commenced by highlighting the solemn significance of the holy month of Ramadan and the ongoing struggle faced by our Palestinian brothers and sisters.

"In this blessed month of Ramadan, as we gather here today, let us not forget our duty to stand in solidarity with the oppressed and voice our outrage against injustice," Tekdemir proclaimed passionately.

Tekdemir underscored the alarming statistics of the Gaza conflict, with the number of martyrs exceeding 33,000 and the wounded surpassing 75,000. "We cannot remain silent in the face of such unspeakable suffering," he emphasized, his words resonating with the somber mood of the crowd.

The barbaric attacks perpetrated by Zionist forces have left an indelible scar on humanity, challenging the moral conscience of the international community. "Our silence is complicity," Tekdemir asserted. "We must stand together against tyranny and oppression, and demand justice for the people of Gaza."

Tekdemir passionately condemned the abandonment of Palestinians to the mercy of Zionists and imperialists, emphasizing the urgent need for the continuous and sufficient provision of humanitarian aid independently from Zionist influence. He stressed that the humanitarian crisis in Gaza demands immediate action and unwavering solidarity from the global community.

Furthermore, Tekdemir called out individuals, organizations, and governments that maintain commercial relations with Zionists, labeling it a betrayal of Islam and the Muslim community. "To trade with those who oppress our brothers and sisters is to betray our values and forsake our duty to stand up for justice," he declared.

Addressing the complexities of the ceasefire negotiations, Tekdemir emphasized the need for diplomatic initiatives backed by public pressure to end Zionist aggression and blockade in Gaza. He warned against diplomatic maneuvers aimed at perpetuating persecution and massacre, urging steadfast commitment to achieving a just and lasting peace for the Palestinian people.

In conclusion, Tekdemir reiterated the universal significance of the Al-Aqsa and Jerusalem cause and urged continuous support and resistance against Zionism and oppression. He called for undivided attention to the Gaza and Al-Aqsa cause, regardless of other agendas or distractions, affirming that the struggle for justice and freedom in Palestine is a moral imperative for all humanity. (ILKHA)