In the holy month of Ramadan, the foundation has ramped up its efforts by setting up 8 kitchens across Gaza to serve iftar and sahur meals to 10,000 people daily.

The initiative comes as Muslims in Gaza are facing a difficult Ramadan due to the ongoing conflict and resulting food shortages. Hope Caravan, which also delivers aid in over 20 other countries, is specifically targeting the Gaza Strip to provide much-needed sustenance to those observing the fast.

Cengiz Kurtaran, Chairman of the Hope Caravan Foundation, spoke of the importance of Ramadan and the dire situation in Gaza. "Our hearts ache for the Islamic Ummah, especially for our brothers and sisters in Gaza who are struggling with hunger," he said. Highlighting the particular food insecurity in northern Gaza, Rafah in the south, and central Khan Yunis, Kurtaran emphasized Hope Caravan's efforts. "We are providing iftar meals to nearly 10,000 people daily, striving to be a balm for their wounds."

Hope Caravan Calls for More Support

Acknowledging the limitations of their current capacity, Kurtaran made a plea to benefactors. "We urge our benefactors to join us in this beautiful endeavor," he said. "With additional support, we can expand our reach and provide both iftar and sahur meals to even more people throughout Ramadan."  The foundation expressed its gratitude to all those who have already donated and called upon others to contribute to their Ramadan relief efforts in Gaza. (ILKHA)