The organization, known for its in-kind and cash aid activities, specifically focused on food assistance for families in need. IHO-EBRAR Diyarbakır Representative Mehmet Ekin expressed gratitude to the organization on behalf of the recipient families.

“Inshallah, we will distribute the shopping cards provided by the international aid organization IHO-EBRAR to underprivileged families in Diyarbakır. Each card is valued at 3,000 TL. We express our heartfelt thanks to IHO-EBRAR on behalf of the families. May Allah be pleased with them. May He bless them with abundance in wealth and grant them health, well-being, and prosperity, Inshallah,” Ekin stated.

The assistance provided by IHO EBRAR underscores the importance of international solidarity and support during the holy month of Ramadan, bringing relief to families in need and fostering a sense of community and compassion. (ILKHA)