The images of Bushnell's self-immolation, which spread on social media, sparked global resonance. In military camouflage, Bushnell declared his protest, stating, "I will now organize a quite intense protest, but my action is not that big in the face of what Palestinians are experiencing under occupation." He proclaimed, "I will no longer participate in genocide," and shouted "Freedom to Palestine" until his last breath.

Today, Bushnell was remembered in front of the US Embassy in Ankara with an event organized by the Now Over Organization. A press statement, read in Turkish and English, highlighted the ongoing escalation of the genocide in Gaza despite global protests.

Nesibe Şanlı, representing the Now Over Organization, read the press statement, condemning the complicity of the US and European states in supporting Israel's atrocities. The statement urged the US to withdraw all support for Israel and cease serving the genocide.

The press statement concluded with a call for global solidarity in the struggle for freedom, inspired by Bushnell's sacrifice. It emphasized the need to break free from Zionism and global hegemony, envisioning a world where humanity and peace prevail.

The full text of the press statement is as follows:

We wish everyone a good day... Greetings to the resisting Gaza and to that great man called Aaron...

The fire that Aaron lit has blown the winds of spring around the world, especially in America...

On February 25th, 2024, Aaron Bushnell, who set himself on fire, saying "I will no longer complicit in genocide", has lit the fire of freedom not only for Gaza, but for the American people under Zionist siege.

"My action is not extreme compared to what people have been experiencing in Palestine at the hands of colonizers." By saying this, he sent a strong message to the whole world, especially to the complicitous American administration.

We are here today to remember Aaron Bushnell, to spread the message for which he paid a price with his life, and to protest against the genocide in Gaza, which increasingly continues, despite the protests of the free peoples of the world.

Even though America seems to be playing the role of good cop, and is trying to enforce a ceasefire, despite the fact that it throws aid parcels from airplanes as if mocking our intelligence and honor, America is the number one accomplice in this obvious genocide committed by Israel. Not to mention the second accomplice: the European imperial states...

We urge the United States of America, which vetoes ceasefire resolutions at the UN, to stop acting on the instructions of the Zionist lobby, to withdraw all military/economic/political support from the state of Israel and to stop serving this genocide.

With his actual message, Aaron Bushnell has powerfully recalled what everyone knows, what is obvious with the Gaza genocide, to anyone with an open mind and heart. He has exposed the hypocrisy of the Western states, the Zionist lobby's dominance in the world, and the weakness of the rulers of Islamic societies. The peoples, struggling in desperation, have realized their captivity. The fire lit by Gaza and Aaron will enlighten the whole world.

Israel, together with the United States, with whom it has deep historical ties, carries out a different massacre every day, implementing all the stages mentioned in the definition of genocide, which we cannot finish counting here. Against the will of the peoples, they feed each other and terrorize the world. Zionism, which has usurped the future of the free American people and today leads the rulers of the world, has been pushing the world to hell for centuries. By controlling powerful states and enslaving other states and institutions, this disease is the number one obstacle to a free world.

The world has openly reacted to the genocide for five months. We are not satisfied with raising our voices, so we take Aaron's message and call for moving forward on the path of freedom. This 25-year-old American young man has opened the door to mental freedom, first for his people and then for all of us. Courageous masses will enter through this door and be freed...

In fact, the one who needs freedom is us, if what is happening in Gaza and Aaron will not liberate us, then the price paid will have been in waste. Let us liberate ourselves from the worldliness that surrounds us, from the comfort zones we have been used to, from Zionism and the global hegemony. In this way, both Gaza and humanity will prevail.

With the reactions of honorable peoples, we hope to wake up tomorrow to a peaceful, safe and bright morning where we will all live together humanely...

Free Palestine will bring the Free World into blossom. (ILKHA)