According to reports, the detainee had a pre-existing mobility disability before his arrest and was transferred to Ramla prison about a month ago in critical health due to torture by zionist occupation forces. Fellow detainees informed a visiting lawyer, who recently saw Gaza detainees at Ramla prison, that the detainee passed away last Tuesday after being transferred to the hospital.

The prison administration notified detainees of the death without an official announcement, highlighting ongoing concerns of enforced disappearance by the Israeli occupation against Gaza detainees since October 7.

Advocacy groups have denounced the increasing number of deaths in Israeli prisons post-October 7, attributing them to torture, retaliatory measures, and medical negligence. They characterize these deaths as deliberate acts by the Israeli authorities.

The statement from the advocacy organizations condemns these deaths as part of the broader aggression against Palestinians, including enforced disappearance, which they deem as one of the most severe crimes committed against Gaza detainees.

Human rights organizations have called on international institutions to intervene and stop the practice of enforced disappearance, criticizing israel's use of such tactics to commit further crimes with impunity.

Since October 7, the number of Palestinian detainees who have died in israeli prisons has reached ten, including three from Gaza, one of whom remains unidentified. (ILKHA)