The foundation hosted a celebratory banquet for the approximately 120 orphans residing at the facility, located 35 kilometers from Tanzania's former capital. This event coincided with the observance of the holy month, creating a joyous atmosphere for the children.

Orphans Foundation, recognized for its extensive humanitarian work not only in Türkiye but also internationally, has consistently strived to uplift the lives of vulnerable populations, particularly orphans and their families.

The orphanage provides a safe haven for children who have lost their parents. Notably, it also houses around 20 mothers of the orphans, who cater to the children's daily needs by preparing meals and maintaining their living space.

Following the heartwarming banquet, the children showcased their talents and enthusiasm through various performances, creating a lasting memory of the special occasion.

This initiative by Orphans Foundation exemplifies the significant role that charitable organizations play in alleviating the hardships faced by orphans and underprivileged communities around the world. Their efforts contribute to fostering hope, providing essential support, and creating a brighter future for those in need. (ILKHA)