The Ministry revealed that Mohammad, 26, and Kazem Issa Ali Zawahra, 31, were killed, while Ahmed Azzam Al-Wahsh sustained injuries from occupation bullets near the town. The severity of Al-Wahsh's injuries has not yet been disclosed.

The incident occurred earlier in the day when Israeli forces opened fire on three Palestinian young men near the Al-Zaeem military checkpoint, located east of occupied Jerusalem.

Subsequently, israeli forces detained the fathers of Zawahra and Al-Wahsh, along with several other family members, east of Bethlehem.

According to eyewitnesses, the zionist forces claimed that the three young men had fired shots at the soldiers stationed at the checkpoint.

The Israeli police reported that one soldier was killed and eight others were injured in the shooting at the checkpoint.

Following the incident, the occupation forces closed the Al-Za'im checkpoint, leading to congestion on routes to the south of the West Bank and the towns and villages in south and east Jerusalem.

Additionally, the Israeli army shut down the Container military checkpoint east of Abu Dis and restricted access to two Al-Za'im checkpoints east of Jerusalem for both pedestrians and vehicles. Flying checkpoints were also set up in Silwan, Ras Al-Amud, Al-Tur, Al-Issawiya, and Shuafat. (ILKHA)