The event, held under the theme "February is the Month of Martyrdom," featured speeches, Quran recitation, and musical performances.

The proceedings commenced with the solemn recitation of the Holy Quran by Metin Bağcı, setting a spiritual tone for the gathering and invoking the memory of those who have given their lives in service of their beliefs.

Vedat Turgut, the HÜDA PAR Mayoral Candidate for Çınar district, took to the podium to address the attendees, offering insights into the current situation in Gaza and the historical context of Palestinian resistance. He condemned the relentless aggression of the Israeli occupation forces and called for global solidarity in support of the Palestinian cause.

Turgut emphasized the need for unity among Muslims worldwide, urging them to stand together against oppression and injustice. He highlighted the importance of preserving the memory of martyrs and drawing inspiration from their courage and sacrifice.

"The atrocities committed against our brothers and sisters in Gaza demand our unwavering solidarity. We cannot remain silent in the face of such blatant injustice. It is incumbent upon us to raise our voices and stand up for what is right,” Turgut said.

Following Turgut's impassioned speech, Cengiz Aydın, HÜDA PAR Mayoral Candidate for Bağlar district, delivered a thought-provoking discourse on the concept of martyrdom in Islam and its contemporary relevance. He explored the multifaceted dimensions of martyrdom, emphasizing its spiritual significance and its role in shaping the collective consciousness of the Muslim community.

Aydın drew parallels between the struggles of the Islamic Ummah and historical events such as Karbala and the Battle of Badr, illustrating the enduring legacy of martyrdom in the face of adversity. He urged individuals to embody the spirit of sacrifice and selflessness exemplified by the martyrs of Islam.

"Our faith demands action in the face of oppression. We must emulate the courage and resilience of our martyrs, standing firm in the pursuit of justice and righteousness,” Aydın emphasized.

Aydın also criticized the misuse of the term "martyr" in Turkey, urging people to strive for genuine martyrdom through dedication to Allah's cause and living a righteous life. He called upon believers to uphold their faith with unwavering conviction and to strive for justice in all aspects of life.

The event concluded with a heartfelt prayer for the oppressed people of Gaza, expressing solidarity with their plight and reaffirming the commitment to seek justice for the victims of the genocide. Participants left the gathering with a renewed sense of purpose and determination to uphold the principles of truth, justice, and compassion in the face of adversity. (ILKHA)