These victims, according to the statement, fell victim to the bullets of the occupation’s murderous Nazi snipers.

The incident sheds light on what Hamas describes as the criminal approach followed by the zionist occupation forces, aimed at extermination and forced displacement of the Palestinian people from their land.

Hamas urgently called upon the global community to rally against this Nazi entity and condemn the ongoing war of extermination waged against civilians, including innocent children and women.

The organization implored the International Court of Justice to meticulously document these crimes, issue a decisive ruling to halt the conflict, and take all necessary measures to prevent further atrocities.

Hamas held the rogue entity and its Nazi leaders accountable for their actions, which unfold in full view of the world.

This tragic development underscores the urgency of addressing the humanitarian crisis in Gaza and seeking justice for the victims. The international community must stand united in condemning violence and advocating for peace in the region. (ILKHA)